The huge growth of global "ecotourism"
industry is becoming an increasing concern for conservationists with mounting
evidence that many wild species do not respond well to contact with human
beings. Overexposure to tourists has been linked to stress, abnormal behavior
and adverse health effects in species such as polar bears, dolphins and gorillas
(大猩猩), says a report in New Scientist. While regulated ecotourism can help conservation efforts by encouraging people to manage endangered species and their habitats, many projects are poorly designed and unregulated, it says. "Many ecotourist projects are unaudited, unauthorized and merely hint they are based on environmentally friendly policies and operations." Ecotourism is growing by 10 to 30 percent a year and an estimated 20 percent of tourists are thought to visit a cons A. have tourists help in the conservation of wildlife B. have wild species respond well to contact with humans C. make wild species reduce stress and abnormal behavior D. make conservationists more concerned with wildlife [判断题]卡钳是一种间接测量工具, 用它来度量尺寸时要先在工件上测量,再与量具比较, 才可得出数据。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]为什么海藻酸钠比较适合活性染料印花?
[单选题]“儿童购票线”标识的设置高度应为( )。
A. 1.1m B. 1.1m\1.4m C. 1.2m\1.5m D. 1.5m [多选题]监测换热器投用前,对设备进行检查的内容有( )。
A.所有连接螺栓是否有松动现象 B.法兰面密封性是否完好 C.阀门是否开启灵活 D.流量计、温度计是否正常 [判断题]新疆油田公司的六大战略是资源掌控、技术创新、高成本发展、人才强企、市场化运营、和谐发展()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]《公路行业信贷政策(2012年修订)》压缩类客户要求信用等级为()级(含)以上。
A. A B. A- C. BBB+ D. BBB- [单选题]223.(91629)某封隔器型号为Y341-114,其中Y具体表示( )。(1.0分)
A.自封式封隔器 B.压缩式封隔器 C.楔入式封隔器 D.扩张式封隔器 [单选题]下列说法错误的是()
A.按压冲击式,猛压,其效果差,且易导致骨折 B.放松时抬手离开胸骨定位点,造成下次按压部位错误,不会引起骨折。 C.放松时未能使胸部充分松弛,胸部仍承受压力,使血液难以回到心脏。 D.双手掌不是重叠放置,而是交叉放置。 [单选题](单选题).打开灯控开关,保险丝烧断,说明线路存在( )故障。
A.断路 B.短路 C.接触不良 D.击穿 [判断题]光伏发电站电量、设备状态等信息通讯硬件设计应满足能远程接入省综合能源数据平台的技术要求。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《集装箱设备交接单》填写的箱号和车号,应与装运箱体的箱号和运输车辆相一致,交接单上的日期、有效期一般为机打,运输车辆的车号、用箱人(运箱人)一般为手写。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]CRH2A型动车组司机室开关盘辅助制动开关的使用时机是________装置故障时。
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