Many tourists must have dreamed of
owning a small house in a foreign country -- perhaps on a stretch of lonely
coast -- to which they could return year after year to enjoy the sun and the
sea. Others, with even bigger ideas and a lot more money to spend, think of
buying hotels. In any case, it is absolutely essential to know a great deal
about the value of property, otherwise the buyer may be at the mercy of(由……摆布)
dishonest agents. Some tourists, however, are so foolish that they really deserve to be cheated by agents. We would consider a person mad if he walked into a museum and asked to "buy" a great work of art. Though no one has told us, we all know that certain things can never be sold, no matter how much money is offered. Yet, nearly every year since 1944, a buyer has been found for the Colosseum (古罗马圆形剧场) in Rome. The f A. certain things in the world are invaluable B. the agents in Rome were afraid of cheating the tourists C. the people of Rome wish to rebuild the Colosseum D. the buyer of Colosseum never expect a high return for his money [判断题]应急无线电示位标是一个可携带型遇难信号自动发送器,其覆盖范围为50海里,并能在-20-+50度环境中正常工作。
[单选题]气焊通常以其所用( )的不同分为氧炔焰焊接和氢氧焰焊接。
A.熔剂 B.焊条材料 C.焊丝 D.气体 [单选题]营业网点协助司法机关等部门查询业务,相关内容应登记《查询、冻结、扣划登记簿》并由有权机关执法人员和( )签字。
A.网点负责人 B.低柜柜面经理 C.后台柜面经理 D.金融机构经办人 [单选题]题目 101
--Your name again? I ( )catch it. --Henry Smith. A. don't B. didn't C. wouldn't D. won't [多选题]闸阀适用于经常保持全开或全关的场合,不适用于( )。
A.止回 B.节流 C.调节流量 D.减压 [判断题]知识点:0905(菌种的退化、复壮和保藏) 难易度:适中 认知度:识记
真空冷冻干燥保藏法适用于所有的微生物。 A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]肉芽肿构成成分是()
A. 单核巨噬细胞 B. 淋巴细胞 C. 中性粒细胞 D. 嗜酸性粒细胞 E. 嗜碱性粒细胞 [单选题] 在防雷模拟网络上进行电缆补偿长度调整时,按照10Km电缆进行补偿,如实际电缆(L)为6000m<L≤6500m,其补偿长度为()m。
A. 3500 B. 3000 C. 4500 D. 4000 [多选题]19.属于直接非关税壁垒措施的有( )。
A.进口配额制 B.外汇管制 C.进口押金制 D.“自动”出口配额制 E.进口许可证制 F.0 [单选题]GB6067—1985《起重机械安全规程》规定,起重机的金属结构及所有( )的金属外壳、管槽、电缆金属外皮和变压器低压侧均应有可靠的接地。
A.大车轨道 B.运行机构 C.升机构 D.电气设备 [单选题]下列哪种印章用于加盖在伪造、变造的人民币纸币上?( )
A.假币章 B.业务公章 C.汇票专用章 D.结算专用章 [判断题]岔后到发线连接曲线半径不应小于该道岔导曲线半径,超高不应大于25mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]自动变速器的汽车启动发动机时,变速器杆要置于( )档位。
A.D档或L档 B.P档或N档 C.D档或S档 D.P档或D档 [多项选择]下列行为成立拒不执行判决、裁定罪的情形有哪些
A. 被执行人甲隐藏、转移、故意毁损财产或者无偿转让财产、以明显不合理的低价转让财产,致使判决、裁定无法执行 B. 担保人乙根据甲的要求隐藏、转移、故意毁损或者转让已向人民法院提供担保的财产,致使判决、裁定无法执行 C. 协助执行义务人丙接到人民法院协助执行通知书后,拒不协助执行,致使判决、裁定无法执行的 D. 国家机关工作人员丁与甲、乙、丙通谋,利用国家机关工作人员的职权妨害执行,致使判决、裁定无法执行 [判断题]在陪同客户乘坐电梯时,应引导并主动为客户呼梯。应当先进后出,以便为客户控制电梯。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交