The human body has developed its
millions of nerves to be highly aware of what goes on both inside and outside of
it. This helps us adjust to the outside world. Without our nerves and our brain,
which is a system of nerves, we couldn’t know what’s happening. But we pay for
our sensitivity. We can feel pain when the slightest thing is wrong with any
part of our body. The history of torture (折磨) is based on the human body being
open to pain. But there is a way to handle pain. Look at the Indian fakir (苦行僧) who sits on a bed of nails. Fakirs can put a needle fight through an arm, and feel no pain. This ability that some humans have developed to handle pain should give us ideas about how the mind can deal with pain. The big thing in withstanding pain is our attitude toward it. If the dentist says, "This will hurt a little," A. stay relaxed B. avoid pain C. stand torture D. feel pain 热门试题:[单选题]在采用多级熔断器保护中,后级的熔体额定电流比前级大,目的是防止熔断器越级熔断而()。
A.扩大停电范围 B.查障困难 C.保护电路 D.减小停电范围 [单项选择]体外循环中将静脉血氧合成动脉血这一过程是靠以下哪项来完成的()。
A. 人工肺 B. 变温装置 C. 储血室 D. 体外循环泵 E. 动脉滤器 [单选题]下列对素质教育的理解,存在片面性的是( )。
A.促进学生专业发展 B.尊重学生个性发展 C.教育面向全体学生 D.引导学生协调发展 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输规程》规定,因列车满员、晚点、停运等原因车站需要延长通票的有效期时,延长日数从通票有效期()起计算。
A.终了的次日 B.终了之日 C.生效 D.生效的次日 [单项选择]甲公司与乙公司约定,如果到今年12月20日甲公司生产的产品有1/3未销售完,甲公司则以5折优惠价全部售给乙公司。这种民事行为属于()。
A. 附延缓期限的民事法律行为 B. 附消极延缓条件的民事法律行为 C. 附积极解除条件的民事法律行为 D. 附积极延缓条件的民事法律行为 [判断题]长期输液患儿护士选择血管的原则是从近端到远端,从小静脉到大静脉,避免在同一根血管上反复多次穿刺。
A. 吗啡中毒 B. 有机磷农药中毒 C. 巴比妥类中毒 D. 毒蕈中毒 E. 颠茄类中毒 [多选题]个人保安线应使用有( )的多股软铜线,截面积不准小于( ),且应带有绝缘手柄或绝缘部件。
A.绝缘护套 B.25mm2 C.透明护套 D.16mm2 [单选题]属于假丝酵母菌特点的是
A.革兰染色阳性,着色均匀 B.有菌丝和孢子 C.无假菌丝 D.沙氏培养基生长良好 E.菌落呈绒毛状 [简答题] 将对象与对应的功能连接起来: