Forty years ago no one was concerned
about the health of the ocean, in spite of the fact that many fisheries were
being over-harvested, toxic wastes were being dumped in the sea, and developers
were beginning to seriously disrupt coastlines. In those days, the magnitude of
the problems was small, even though it was obvious that if the trends Continued
people would face severe economic and personal hardship in the future. People
just didn’t understand, nor did they care. Unfortunately many of our concerns
were realized, but the situation could have been much worse, had we, and others,
not taken action to inform people about the ocean and the need to protect
it. During our campaign to share the wonders of the sea and alert the public about the need to protect it, we have used every medium available--personal appearances, t A. the computer is as smart as human beings B. the computer is friendly with human beings C. human beings can interact with the computer and do what they want at their will D. human beings have not used the computer to its fullest advantage [单选题]单选:LNG 槽罐车事故处置中负责入口安全管控,对进入作业 区人员进行防护装备检查,并做好登记管控的是( )。
A.出入口安全员 B.区域安全员 C.紧急救援小组 D.安全官 [多选题] FusionCompute虚拟机虚拟磁盘分哪几种类型?
A.动态磁盘 B.固定磁盘 C.SSD D.差分磁盘 [单选题]装置使用的低压氮气的露点要求小于。( )
A.~50℃ B.~40℃ C.~60℃ D.~30℃ [简答题]西方国家的企业采用加速折旧法的原因?
A.1/8 B.1/16 C.1/4 D.1/32 E.1/2 [填空题]信息资源管理的手段主要有( )四大类。
[单选题]当机车未收到地面发送的相关信息时,机车色灯信号机应显示白灯或( )。
A.黄灯 B.红灯 C.红黄灯 D.双黄闪光 [单项选择]Vessel or Agents () no responsibility for security, delivery or damage to cargo after delivery to receiving agency.
A. assure B. agree C. accept D. assume [判断题]超级柜台的空白银行卡日终不允许留存在设备凭证箱内保管。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交