A. however
B. narrow
C. shallow
D. snowy
The Vikings have left many traces of
their settlement which are still visible today. Archaeology provides physical
evidence of their conquests, settlement and daily life. The study of place names
and language shows the lasting effect which the Viking settlements had in the
British Isles, and DNA analysis provides some insights into the effect the
Vikings had on the genetic stock of the countries where they settled. All of
this provides valuable information, but the only reason that we have an idea of
the "Vikings" as a people is their appearance in the written sources. Unfortunately, the value of the written evidence is limited. Not a lot of evidence survives, and much of what we have is either uninformative or unreliable. Many popular ideas about Vikings are nineteenth-century inventions. Others are the result of early histori A. warriors B. pirates C. traders D. colonists [判断题]在一个角色的权限可以赋个不同的用户。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]劳务工担任防护工作前必须经过正式职工的安全培训。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在冻害维修作业中,冻起高度超过20mm时,两端顺坡之间应有不短于()m的过渡段,其坡度应与线路坡度一致。
A.4 B.6 C.8 D.10 [单项选择]两人法为病人翻身应注意()
A. 一人托病人的颈部和背部,另一人托住病人的臀部和腘窝 B. 一个托病人的颈肩部和腰部,另人一托住病人的臀部和腘窝 C. 一人托病人的颈肩部,另一人托住病人的臀部和腘窝 D. 一人托病人的颈肩部和腰部,另一人托住病人的臀部 [单选题](27605)淬火会使钢料( )。(1.0分)
A.变硬且强度增加 B.变硬且延性增加 C.变韧且强度增加 D.变软且延性增加 [单选题]运营线路、站点及列车发生一定火情但未造成人身伤害的属于()。
A.较大事故 B.一般事故 C.险性事件 D.A类一般事件 [多项选择]在确定主要施工方法时,对脚手架工程、起重吊装工程、()等专项工程所采用的施工方法应进行简要说明。
A. 临时用水用电工程 B. 季节性施工 C. 接地装置安装工程 D. 电视监控系统安装工程 我来回答: 提交