Passage 3 Though the glass building is modern enough, such scenes suggest that little has really changed at London’s ancient insurance market. For centuries, brokers and underwriters have performed similar rituals, in good times and in bad notably in the early 1990s, when Lloyd’s suffered such huge losses that it almost went under. But since it pulled back from the abyss in 1996, Lloyd’s has reinvented itself. It clings tenaciously to its historic trappings; but, in substance, it is as though it had died and come back in a new form. To see how Lloyd’ s has changed, look at who invests there. This year, Britain’s largest insurer, CGU, has moved its marine operation into Lloyd’s. March & McLennan, the world’s largest insurance broker, has helped to found a new Bermudian insurer that will underwrite from Lloyd’s. And the market ha [单项选择]清朝创设的将罪犯发配到边疆地区并给军人做奴隶的刑罚,称为()
A. 充军 B. 发遣 C. 刺配 D. 凌迟 [单选题]以下关于保险债权投资计划的说法正确的是_________。
A.保险债权投资计划是保险公司发行的产品 B.保险债权投资计划的优势是期限长、规模大、用款灵活 C.保险债权投资计划不能向企业提供融资 D.保险债权投资计划不能降低企业资产负债率 [多项选择]在配置显示器时,最重要的参数有()。
A. 色深度 B. 垂直扫描频率范围 C. 水平扫描频率范围 D. 分辨率 [判断题]35kV以下双电源、配有自备应急电源和客户设备部分运行的项目送电时,可以不制定投运启动方案。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]开展班级个体指导的方法中,说理、问题解决、行为指导和行为矫正都是一些常规的方法,移情和感情陶冶是心理辅导的基本方法。
[填空题]Literature is a means by which we know ourselves. By it we meet 1. ______
future selves, and recognize past selves; against it we match our present self. Its primary function is to validate and re-create the self in all its individuality and distinctness. In doing so, it cements a sense of relationship between the serf and the otherness of the book, and allows us a notion of ourselves as sociable. Its shared knowledge is vicarious experience; by this means we enlarge our understandings of what it means to be human, of the corporate 2. ______ and independent nature of human society. The act of reading the book marks 3. ______ both our difference in and our place in the human fabric. The more we read, 4. ______ the more we are. In the act of reading silently we are alone from the book, 5. ______ separate from one’s own immediate surroundings. Yet in the act of reading 6. ______ we enter other minds and ot [单选题]64.变压器的效率为输出的有功功率与输入的( )之比的百分数。
A.A.有功功率 B.B.无功功率 C.C.额定功率 D.D.视在功率 [判断题]编制应急救援预案的目的是确保不发生事故。()
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交