Practically speaking, the artistic
maturing of the cinema was the single-handed achievement of David W, Griffith
(1875-1948). Before Griffith, photography in dramatic films consisted of little
more than placing the actors before a stationary camera and showing them in full
length as they would have appeared on stage. From the beginning of his career as
a director, however, Griffith, because of his love of Victorian painting,
employed composition. He conceived of the camera image as having afore-ground
(近景) and a rear ground (远景),as well as the middle distance preferred by most
directors. By 1910 he was using close-ups to reveal significant details of the
scene or of the acting and extreme long shots to achieve a sense of spectacle
and distance. His appreciation of the camera’s possibilities produced novel
dramatic effects. By A. The good director will attempt to explore new ideas as quickly as possible. B. The most important element contributing to a film’s success is the ability of the actors. C. The camera must be considered an integral and active element in the creation of a film. D. The cinema should emphasize serious and sober examinations of fundamental human problems. [判断题]《变电验收管理规定》:运检部必要时应派员参与对大件设备、易损设备、重要设备出厂运输方案的审查。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]飞机上产生的摩擦阻力与大气的哪种物理性质有关
A.可压缩性 B.粘性 C.温度 [单选题]高血钾最常见的病因是( )( )
A.急性肾衰竭多尿期 B.急性肠梗阻 C.长期应用利尿药 D.长期应用皮质激素 E.挤压伤(严重) [单选题]
属于普速铁路工务维修天窗作业I级维修项目的是( )。 A.螺栓扣件涂油 B.开行路用列车运送作业人员、装卸机具、材料 C.桥梁施工进行试顶需要起动梁身并回落原位,拨正支座,支座垫砂浆厚度在50mm及以下时 D.移动桥枕进行钢梁上盖板涂装 [多选题]下列属于影响贴现付款额大小因素的有()。
A.票面金额 B.年贴现率 C.未到期天数 D.年计息日 E.票面利率 [判断题]焊接工艺评定力学性能试验的试样在去除焊缝余高前,不允许对试样进行冷矫平。()
[单选题]某人向朋友借款两万元,年利率为5%,约定两年还清,还款方式是每年年底偿还X元。则X约为( )。
A.10685 B.10756 C.11234 D.12302 [判断题]非居民个人在中国境内从两处以上取得工资、薪金所得,无需办理个人所得税申报。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]全路旅客列车给水站280个,旅客列车垃圾投放站303个。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )9 游客提出调换同一标准但朝向不同的房间时的处理方法是∶若酒店有空房,可适当满足,或请()在内部调整。
A.旅游团领队 B.地陪导游员 C.全陪导游员 D.旅行社计调 [简答题]试比较自感式传感器与差动变压器式传感器的异同。
[填空题]对装置开停工、关键装置、重点部位及运行工况有异常的动静设备,所在单位应当增加巡回检查的( ),必要时设专人( ),并加强信息传递。
A.冷藏:雪糕 B.加油:汽车 C.电池:闹钟 D.热水:茶壶 [多选题]铁路信号分为()。
A.手信号 B.视觉信号 C.听觉信号 D.机车信号 [单选题]冷氢化洗涤塔T02AB01共有塔盘( )个
A.11 B.12 C.13 D.14 [单项选择]我国《票据法》规定,票据上的自然人签章()。
A. 只能采取签名的形式 B. 只能采取盖章的形式 C. 可以签名、盖章或者签名加盖章 D. 只能采取签名加盖章的形式 [单项选择]在临床麻醉中触诊脉搏首选的动脉
A. 颈总动脉 B. 耳前动脉 C. 桡动脉 D. 股动脉 E. 足背动脉 [单选题]在电阻、电感和电容的串联电路中,电路发生串联谐振,下面说法不正确的是( )。
A.电路呈纯电阻性 B.端电压和总电流同相 C.电抗X=0 D.阻抗Z=0 [单项选择]属于藏传佛寺园林的是()
A. 布达拉宫 B. 香山寺 C. 大觉寺 D. 白云观 [单项选择]补充凝血因子时全血视为新鲜血的时间为()
A. 8小时内 B. 12小时内 C. 24小时内 D. 3天内 E. 7天内 [填空题]Crime has its own cycles, a magazine re-
ported some years before. Police records that [1] ______ were studied for five years over 2,400 cities and towns show a surprised link between [2] ______ changes in the season and crime patterns. The pattern of crime has varied very little over a long period of years. Murder reaches its high during July and August, as does rape and [3] ______ other violent attacks. Murder, however, is [4] ______ more than seasonal: it is a weekend crime. It is also a hightime crime: 62 percent of mur- ders are committed between 6 p. m. and 6 a. m. Unlike the summer high in crimes of bod- ily harm, burglary has a different cycle. You are most likely to being robbed between 6 [5] ______ p.m. and 2 a. m. on a Saturday night in De- cember, January, or February. The most un- criminal month of all May--except for one strange statistic, more dog bites are reported in this m [简答题]允许速度v≤120km/h线路验收时,线路轨距相对于标准的静态允许偏差值为 mm。
阅读下面的文字,完成下列4题。 [多项选择]集团客户如欲使用网上银行集团理财功能,必须()。
A. 母公司成为网上银行注册客户 B. 子公司成为网上银行注册客户 C. 子公司完成对母公司的授权 D. 母公司完成对子公司的授权 [单项选择]下列引起便血的结肠疾病是()。
A. 肠结核病 B. 急性细菌性痢疾 C. 消化性溃疡 D. Crohn病 E. 急性出血性坏死性肠炎 [单项选择]以下说法不正确的是()
A. 一个关键限值用来保证一个操作生产出安全产品的界限 B. 每个CCP必须有一个或多个关键限值用于显著危害 C. OL比CL更严格的限度,是操作人员用以降低偏离的风险的标准 D. 一个关键控制点不能用于控制一种以上的危害 [判断题]儀41.隔离电气宜采用同时断开电源所有极的开关或彼此靠近的单极开关。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]“婴宁”是谁笔下的人物
A.蒲松龄 B.陈仲琳 C.曹雪芹 D.吴敬梓 [多选题]《铁路交通事故调查处理规则》规定:一般事故分为( )。
A.一般A类事故 B.一般B类事故 C.一般C类事故 D.一般D类事故 [填空题]和谐型电力机车制动系统采用的是克诺尔的___型和法维莱制动机
A.牛肉汤 B.牛奶 C.贝类 D.鸡蛋汤 E.肝 我来回答: 提交