[A] Inventories of this stored merchandise often need to be financed. Modern marketing is therefore a coordinated system of many business activities. But basically it involves four things: selling the correct product at the proper place, selling it at a price determined by demand, satisfying a customer’s need and wants, and producing a profit for the company.
[B] Raw materials requiring little or no special treatment can be transported by rail, ship or barge at low cost. Large quantities of raw materials travel as bulk freight. But finished products that often require special treatment, such as refrigeration of careful handling, are usually transported by truck. This merchandise freight is usually smaller in volume and requires quicker delivery. Merchandise freight is a term for the transportation of manufactured goods.
[C] The terms market and marketing can have several meanings depending upon how they are used. The term stock market refers to the buying an
In developing a model of cognition, we
must recognize that perception of the external world does not always remain
independent of motivation. While progress toward maturity is positively
correlated with differentiation between motivation and cognition, tension will,
even in the mature adult, militate towards a narrowing of the range of
perception. Cognition can be seen as the first step in the sequence events leading from the external stimulus to the behavior of the individual. The child develops from belief that all things are an extension of its own body to the recognition that objects exist independent of his perception. He begins to demonstrate awareness of people and things which are removed from his sensory apparatus and initiates goal-directed behaviors. He may, however, refuse to recognize the existence of barriers to the attainment o A. (A) Practical purpose. B. (B) Natural human cognitive development. C. (C) Language. D. (D) Warning of danger. [单选题]某县公安局对张某涉嫌诈骗冯某一案立案侦查,并冻结了张某的基金份额。冻结期间,张某申请出售。下列说法错误的是()。
A.冻结张某的基金份额应当经县公安局局长批准 B.张某申请出售冻结的基金份额应当经公安机关审查 C.出售基金份额所得价款由金融机构保管 D.出售后应当及时告知张某、冯某或者其近亲属 [判断题]质量和重量是意义完全相同的两个概念。
A. “禁止攀登,高压危险!”; B. “止步,高压危险!”; C. “禁止合闸,有人工作!” D. “在此工作” [单选题]高瓦斯和煤(岩)与瓦斯突出矿井掘进工作面,设在距回风口(第一合流点)10~15m处的甲烷传感器的断电范围为()。
A.掘进巷道内全部非本质安全型电气设备 B.掘进工作面及其附近20m内全部电气设备 C.掘进工作面全部电气设备 D.掘进工作面全部电气设备和局部通风机 [单选题]触电急救,当采用胸外心脏按压法进行急救时,伤员应仰卧于( )上。
A.柔软床垫 B.硬板床或地 C.担架 D.弹簧床 E.略 F.略 [单选题](十二)患者,女性,60岁。绝经8年。单位例行体检时发现宫颈肥大,宫颈管刮片检查结果为巴氏III级。1、考虑该患者是( )
A.宫颈炎 B.可疑宫颈癌 C.高度可疑宫颈癌 D.宫颈癌 E.正常细胞 [单选题]醛固酮的主要作用是
A.保钾排钠 B.保钠排钾 C.保钠保钾 D.排氢保钾 E.排氢保钠 [单选题]A类泡沫的全称是“自动压缩空气泡沫”,这种泡沫本身具有极好的灭火性能和防复燃性能,在使用中充分利用压缩空气,使混合泡沫中的水滴变成气泡,大大增加了同等体积水的表面积,冷却、覆盖、附着、渗透作用和灭火效率大幅提高。以下关于A类泡沫说法不正确的是( )
A.A类泡沫可灭B类火灾,但抗烧性没有B类泡沫好。 B.可用于扑救博物馆、图书馆、档案馆,珍贵而古老的建筑,高档试验室等火灾。 C.扑救汽车火灾应用干粉灭火剂扑救,不可用A类泡沫。 D.在大型垃圾场火灾中,灭火效率高,泡沫覆盖性好、长时间停留复燃性小、用水量少、同水带走的污物少。环保、无二次污染。 [单选题]()属于急行冷锋引起的不稳定天气带。A. 热雷暴
B. 切变线
C. 槽线
D. 飑线
A.A B.B C.C D.D 我来回答: 提交