When John Rothas got into the
hydraulics (水力学) business 18 years ago he never dreamed he’d see his work up on
the silver screen. But today he is, essentially, a Hollywood veteran. Rothas is a sales representative with Mayo Hydraulics, based in California. He has worked with special effects teams to move sets on some major Hollywood films. "Designing the systems needed for such projects makes for challenging and exciting work," says Rothas. "but Mayo Hydraulics’ most recent project--sinking the Titanic for Paramout Pictures (派拉蒙影片公司) —takes the cake". "It was thrilling because it was the Titanic and it was the largest moving set ever built," says Rothas, wit A. You will be excited. B. You will have a lot of fans. C. It will be easy to make money. D. You have to work many hours longer to earn as much money. [单项选择]当事人应当到县(市、区)人民政府财政部门指定的()缴纳社会抚养费。
A. 行政部门 B. 政府机构 C. 社会机构 D. 金融机构 [判断题]中性点经消弧线圈接地、不接地系统运行时,电缆贯通线路补偿量不应大于80%。(1分)
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]