If we had to rely on only five senses
for survival, we would be in very sad shape indeed. We wouldn’t know up from
down. We wouldn’t know when to eat or drink. We wouldn’t know what our muscles
were doing or what position our limbs were in. We wouldn’t know when our body
was damaged because we wouldn’t feel pain. We might freeze to death without even
a shiver, or overheat without a drop of sweat. The five senses--touch, taste,
smell, bearing and sight-respond only to stimulation from the outside world, but
the inside world of our bodies must also receive and respond to important
messages. Our internal senses keep us alive and enable us to use our external senses. In effect, the internal senses tell our brains how to run our bodies. Hunger or thirst register in a part of the brain called the hypothalamus(丘脑下部) , when a lac A. internal senses B. sense of balance C. five senses D. brain’s function [单选题] 经第三方保证方式申请贷款的,贷款额度应为()
A.50%; B.70%; C.90%; D.根据保证人信用等级确定。 [判断题]豆蔻是一种初夏开花的植物,比喻人还未成年,故称未成年的少年时代为“豆蔻年华”。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]安全带和专作固定安全带的绳索在使用( )应进行外观检查。
A.前 B.后 C.时 [单项选择]Critics and supporters of the United Nations have sometimes seen worlds apart. But since last year, almost all of them, whether multilateralist or unilateralist, American or European, have come to agree that the organization is in crisis. This week, a blue ribbon panel commissioned by the body’s secretary-general, Kofi Annan, released its report on what to do about it.
The U. N. ’s sorry state became most obvious with the Iraq war. Those favoring the war were furious that after a decade of Security Council resolutions, including the last-chance Resolution 1441 threatening "serious consequences" if Iraq did not prove its disarmament, the U. N. could not agree to act. Anti-war types were just as frustrated that the world body failed to stop the war. But Iraq was not the U. N.’s only problem. It has done little to stop humanitarian disasters, such as the ongoing horror in Sudan. And it has done nothing to stop Iran’s and North Korea’s pursuit of nuclear weapons. Recognizing the A. the panelists have attempted to make changes to the Charter B. the panelists have proposed minor alternatives to the Charter C. the panelists have examined the Charter thoroughly enough D. the panelists have made the Charter more logical in expression [单选题]在同一航向、风向、风速条件下,真空速减小,则()。
A.地速减小,偏流增大 B.地速减小,偏流减小 C.地速减小,偏流不变 D.地速增大,偏流增大 [单选题] 35kV交联聚乙烯高压电缆,紧贴绝缘层外侧一般是( )层。
A.半导电 B.外护套 C.内护套 D.屏蔽带 [判断题]尖轨夹板与间隔铁之间必须保持一定的距离。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]化坚消食的是()
A. 神曲 B. 贯众 C. 莱菔子 D. 鸡内金 E. 苦楝皮 [单选题]《变电安规》检修设备停电,应拉开隔离开关(刀闸),()应拉至试验或检修位置,应使各方面有一个明显的断开点。
A.隔离开关(刀闸) B.断路器(开关) C.手车开关 D.保护切换开关 [多选题]以下()项支票银行可以受理。
A.用途更改经原记载人签章证明的支票 B.收款人更改经原记载人签章证明的支票 C.金额更改经原记载人签章证明的支票 D.出票日期书写不规范的支票 [多选题]从“五位一体”总体布局看,我国( )
A.社会法治化水平不高 B.经济发展水平总体较好 C.文化建设相对滞后 D.社会建设有不少短板 E.生态文明建设问题较多 [单项选择]按面值不同,充值后有效期不同。有效期为180天的充值卡金额为()。
A. 30 B. 50 C. 100 D. 300 E. 500 [判断题]按照《跟单信用证一惯例》,未标明是否可以撤销,即为可撤销信用证。( )
A. 德州这天昼短夜长 B. 德州的昼将变得越来越长 C. 太阳光的直射点正向北移动 D. 德州的昼长比北京短 [单选题]个人保安线应使用有透明护套的多股软铜线,截面积不准小于( )平方毫米,且应带有绝缘手柄或绝缘部件。
A.20 B.16 C.14 D.12 我来回答: 提交