Passage 3 It was (and is) common to think that other animals are ruled by "instinct" whereas humans lost their instincts and ruled by "reason," and that this is why we are so much more flexibly intelligent than other animals. William James, in his book Principles of Psychology, took the opposite view. He argued that human behavior is more flexibly intelligent than that of other animals because we have more instincts than they do, not fewer. We tend to be Mind to the existence of these instincts, however, precisely because they work so well--because they process information so effortlessly and automatically. They structure our thought so powerfully, he argued, that it can be difficult to imagine how things could be otherwise. As a result, we take "normal" behavior for granted. We do not realize that "normal" behavior needs to be explained at all. This "ins A. It is controlled by powerful thoughts. B. It is beyond the study of psychology. C. It doesn’t need to be explained. D. It doesn’t seem to be natural sometimes. [多项选择]从下述答案中,选出三种用呼气相X线片诊断时有重要价值的疾病。()
A. 肺炎 B. 支气管异物 C. 肺气肿 D. 细支气管炎 E. 胸膜炎 [填空题]句子不同于其它的语言单位,在语音上的显著特点是具有()。
A.社会风险管理职能 B.经济给付职能 C.防灾防损职能 D.融资职能 [单选题]当遇( )级及以上强风、浓雾、雨或雪天气时,应停止脚手架搭设与拆除作业。《建筑施工碗扣式钢管脚手架安全技术规范》(JGJ166-2016)
A.三 B.四 C.五 D.六 [单项选择]女性,30岁,5天前淋雨后发冷发热胸痛,咳嗽,气短,既往有结核病史。查体:左肺下部叩浊,可闻水泡音,痰结核菌集菌阴性,白细胞32×10 9/L,胸片左肺下叶大片状致密阴影,考虑诊断为
A. 浸润型肺结核 B. 阻塞性肺炎 C. 肺脓肿 D. 肺炎球菌肺炎 E. 病毒性肺炎 [判断题]汽轮机暖机稳定转速离临界转速越远越安全。()
[多选题]零售客户经理的主营业务有( )?
A.负责个人消费类资产业务营销与办理 B.负责开展个人客户关系维护 C.负责为个人客户提供综合财富服务 D.其他个人金融业务" [单选题]机车车辆一侧中心线的最大限界为( )。
A.1600mm B.1700mm C.1775mm D.1825mm [多选题]当班值班站长每间隔两小时检查一次_____
A.电子邮箱 B.工作信息群 C.查收新邮件 D.新信息 [多选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG 510001—2015)第26.3.4条规定:绝缘安全工具应定期进行绝缘试验,下列工器具试验周期符合要求的是( )。
A.电容型验电器工频耐压试验周期1年 B.携带型短路接地线操作棒工频耐压试验周期5年 C.绝缘杆工频耐压试验周期1年 D.辅助型绝缘手套工频耐压试验周期半年 [单项选择]右归丸的功效是()
A. 温补肾阳,填精补血 B. 温补肾阳 C. 滋阴补肾 D. 补肾填精 E. 温肾填精 [单选题]迎队旗时,主持迎队旗的指挥员下达“立正”“迎队旗”的口令, 听到口令后,掌旗员(扛旗)、护旗员( )行进,由正前或者左前方向队伍右翼行进。( )
A. 齐步 B. 正步 C. 跑步 D. 便步 [判断题]可以对集团客户实际控制人发放个人经营类贷款,纳入到集团客户统一授信管理。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交