For admissions officers reviewing
applications is like final-exam week for students--except it lasts for months.
Great applications tell us we’ve done our job well, by attracting top-caliber
students. But it’s challenging to maintain the frenetic pace without forgetting
these are all real people with real aspirations--people whose life stories we
are here to unravel, if they will let us. The essay is a key piece of learning those life stories. I live near Los Angeles, where every day screenplays are read without regard for human context. The writer’s life and dreams don’t matter--all that mat ters is the writing, the ideas, the end product. On the other hand, in reading essays, context does matter: who wrote this We are driven to put the jigsaw puzzle together because we think we are building a commun A. how to write a good essay in the application for college. B. how to show the person behind the test scores and grades. C. how to tell one’s life stories in the application for college. D. how to outdo others in essay writing of the application. [判断题]如果电容器运行时,检查发现温度过高,应加强通风。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]调制解调器采用的调制技术有( )基本方式
A.电压调制 B.脉冲调制 C.频率调制 D.幅度调制. E.相位调制 [多项选择]股权投资的收益分配形式主要有( )。
A. 以股息的形式参与分配 B. 按投资比例参与净收益分配 C. 按一定比例从销售收入中提成 D. 按出资额的一定比例收取使用费 E. 以上都不是 [单选题]我行个人信贷业务担保管理办法规定,对车库(位)抵押的,最高抵押率不超过( )
A.0.7 B.0.6 C.0.5 D.不得设定抵押 [多项选择]吴茱萸治胃寒呕吐证与其何种功效有关()。
A. 降逆止呕 B. 补火助阳 C. 化湿和胃 D. 补气健脾 E. 温中散寒 [单选题]生产卷烟纸、滤嘴棒、烟用丝束、烟草专用机械的企业,应当按照( )组织生产。
A.国家烟草专卖行政主管部门的计划 B.与烟草制品生产企业签订的订货合同 C.市场需求的实际情况 D.国家烟草专卖行政主管部门的计划以及与烟草制品生产企业签订的订货合同 [单选题]下列选项中,出自一个大洲的作品的是( )。
A.《双城记》《西风颂》《雾都孤儿》《战争与和平》 B.《百年孤独》《霍乱时代的爱情》《飞鸟集》《安娜卡列尼娜》 C.《蛙》《茶花女》《伊豆的舞女》《挪威的森林》 D.《红与黑》《悲惨世界》《奥瑟罗》《家》 [单项选择]我国能源品种分布是()
A. 西部富煤 B. 南部富水 C. 北部石油 D. 南部天然气 [判断题]茶叶中维生素C可通过泡饮从茶汤中获取。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]进行电焊、气焊等具有火灾危险作业的人员和( ) 的操作人员,必须持证上岗,并遵守消防安全操作规程。 [ 易]
A.自动消防系统 B. 消火栓系统 C. 防排烟系统 D. 消防供水管网系统 我来回答: 提交