Adam Smith was the founder of economics as a
distinct field of study. He wrote only one book on the subject — The Wealth of
Nations, published in 1776. Smith was 53 years old at the time. His friend David
Hume found the book such hard going that he doubted many people would read it.
But Hume was wrong — people have been reading it for more than 200 years
now. The Wealth of Nations, in Smith’s view, was the result not of accumulating gold or silver, as many of that time believed, but of ordinary people working and trading in free markets. To Smith, the remarkable thing about the wealth produced by a market economy is that it does not result from any organized plan, rather, it is the unintended outcome of the actions of many people, each of whom is pursuing the incentives the market offers with his or her own interests in mind. A. from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer and the baker. B. from ourselves. C. from hotels. D. from the people who regard their own interest. [名词解释]生经济分析与评价
显示器属于通信系统组成中的() A.信息源。 B.发送设备。 C.接收设备。 D.收信者。 [单项选择]在书写晶体结构缺陷符号时,上标’’表示带()个电荷。
A. -1 B. +2 C. -2 D. +1 [单项选择]小细胞肺癌的标准治疗方案应为( )
A. 根治切除+强烈辅助化疗+头颅放疗 B. 根治切除+瘤床放疗+头颅放疗 C. 尽可能采用干细胞移植支持下的大剂量化疗 D. 全身化疗为主,辅以局部放疗+全脑放疗 E. 应积极采用LAK细胞生物治疗+胸腺肽治疗 [判断题]抢险救援消防车随车起重机操作前必须把活动支腿水平油缸和垂直油缸完全伸出。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]()试验对于固体有机绝缘来说属于破坏性试验,它会使原来存在的绝缘弱点进步发展,使绝缘强度逐渐降低,形成绝缘内部劣化的累积效应,至击穿被试品。
A. 直流耐压 B.泄漏电流 C.交流耐压 D.耐压 [单项选择]甲为一乘客(老烟民,熟知烟的价格),乙为一小贩。乙在火车车厢叫卖:"红塔山香烟,10元钱1条。"甲欣然买之。经查,该烟为假烟,甲与乙之间的行为性质应如何认定?()
A. 无效民事行为,理由为欺诈 B. 可撤销民事行为,理由为欺诈 C. 无效民事行为,理由是违反法律规定 D. 有效民事行为,理由是双方达成合意 [单项选择]临床根据损伤部位辨证治疗四肢损伤时,应选用()
A. 通窍活血汤 B. 桃红四物汤 C. 复元活血汤 D. 膈下逐瘀汤 E. 血府逐瘀汤 [单项选择]保险公司应当在每年4 月30 日前向中国保监会提交上一年度的年度合规报告,中国保监会可以根据需要不定期要求保险公司报送各种综合或者专项的合规报告,对合规报告真实性负责的是保险公司的( )。
A. 董事会 B. 总经理 C. 合规负责人 D. 股东大会及监事会 [单选题]关于优秀员工的执行力,世界500强企业提出了明确要求,根据世界500强企业的要 求,所谓执行力是指员工( )。
A.绝不涉足企业规定之外的事务 B.对要求之外的事务也要敢于突破 C.像战士服从命令一样令行禁止 D.把事情做成,做到他自己认为最好 [单选题] 消防员可穿着( )进入火焰区进行灭火救援。(中)
A.灭火防护服 B.封闭式防化服 C.避火服 D.防火防化服 [多选题]根据《安全生产法》的规定:生产经营单位不得将()发包或者出租给不具費安全 生产条件或者相瞄质的单位或者个人。
A.生产经割目 B.场所 C.跡 D.设施 E.工程内容 我来回答: 提交