The making of classifications by literary historians can be a somewhat risky enterprise. When Black poets are discussed separately as a group, for instance, the extent to which their work reflects the development of poetry in general should not be forgotten, or a distortion of literary history may result. This caution is particularly relevant in an assessment of the differences between Black poets at the turn of the century (1900 ~1909) and those of the generation of the 1920’s. These differences include the bolder and more forthright speech of the later generation and its technical inventiveness. It should be remembered, though, that comparable differences also existed for similar generations of White poets.
When poets of the 1910’s and 1920’s are considered together, however, the distinctions that literary historians might make between "conservative" and "experimental" would be of little significance in a discussion of Black poets,
A. American Black poets of 1910’s and 1920’s
B. the difference between American White poets and Black poets
C. American Black poets in 1920’s and their features
D. the classification of American Black poets
What makes teenagers moody and
impulsive The answer used to be raging hormones plus a dearth of(短缺) life
experiences. But three years ago this simple equation was blown apart by
evidence from brain scans of strange goings-on behind the teenage
forehead. Till then, scientists had thought the brain’s internal structure was fixed by the end of childhood. The new scans showed the brain’s frontal cortex(皮层) thickening just before puberty(青春期), then slowly shrinking back to normal during the teenage years. Suddenly, the erratic huffiness(发怒) seemed to make sense: the teenage brain was a work in progress, a house in the process of being rewired. Now comes more evidence of neural turmoil. According to psychologists in California, the speed with which youngsters can read the emotional expressions on people’s faces dips suddenly at A. the teenage brain is a kind of work in progress B. the new brain scans support the conventional thought C. the brain’s frontal cortex becomes bigger during the teenager years D. at the age of 11 or 12 teenagers are unable to find out people’s true feelings [单选题]绝缘工具的工频耐压试验中,220kV及以下电压等级绝缘工具加压时间为( )min。
A.1 B.2 C.5 D.4 [单项选择]家用电冰箱的冷凝器是属于()
A. 水冷式 B. 风冷式 C. 蒸发式 [多选题]下列属于临时加开客运列车的情况( )。
A.A.可预见性大客流,安排加开客运列车 B.B.因客流较大,延长高峰小时开行的临时客运列车 C.C.列车故障下线,为调整运行图临时加开客运列车 D.D.列车晚点2分钟时,替换晚点列车 [填空题]特殊情况下,车站服务部票务管理人员可先电话并邮件通知调度票务部,纸质申请表于电话通知当日起( )补齐。
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