Contract No. CP1023 Date: 12 July, 2005
Signed at: Shanghai
Sellers: Shanghai Textiles Imp/Exp Corp.
Buyers: Crombongo Textiles Co., Ltd.
This Sales Contract is made by and between the Sellers and the Buyers whereby the sellers agree to sell and the Buyers agree to buy the under-mentioned goods according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:
Name of Commodity
Pattern No.
2005年度有关经营 [判断题]直流电动机可以不安装换向器.
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]支部党员大会必须有超过半数的党员到会方可举行,选举时必须有超过()的有选举权的党员到会。
A. 三分之二 B. 五分之四 C. 一半 [单项选择]注册会计师协会的相关部门在对注册会计师及会计师事务所遵守职业道德的情况进行检查过程中,发现了一些情况,请你代为判断。
以下哪种事项不会影响注册会计师或会计师事务所的独立性( )。 A. 注册会计师A在承接对W公司年报审计后,受聘担任W公司独立董事 B. 2005年7月,ABC会计师事务所按照正常借款程序和条件,向X银行以抵押贷款方式借款1 000000元,用于购置办公用房 C. 审计小组成员B注册会计师自2002年以来一直协助X银行编制会计报表 D. 审计小组成员C注册会计师的父亲是W公司的总经理 [单选题]一件货物须用3车装运,中间为游车,侧向通过9号及以下道岔时,原则上应牵引运行。牵引运行确有困难时,推进运行速度不得超过( )km/h。
A.2 B.3 C.5 D.15 [判断题]各级业务主管部门是本专业安全风险预警管控工作的归口管理部门。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列古都哪个被称为"六朝古都":()
A. 洛阳 B. 西安 C. 南京 D. 北京 [单项选择]
We have often heard people, especially the elderly say that "I said this from experiences, or I did it from my own experiences." And also in our society we value the experiences and regard them as precious things, and we respect the experienced persons. We often consult them, and ask for help from them. But have you ever thought why experience is so valuable According to the psychologists, that experiences influence subsequent behaviour is evidence of an obvious but nevertheless remarkable activity called remembering. Learning could not occur with out the function popularly named memory. Constant practice has such an effect on memory as to lead to skillful performance on the piano, to recitation of a poem, and even to reading and understanding these words. So called intelligent behaviour demands memory, remembering being a primary requirement for reasoning. The ability to solve any problem or even to recognize that a problem exists depends on memory. Typically, the deci [多选题]遇到国家财产和人民群众生命财产受到严重威胁时,能救而不救,应当给予的处分:( )
A.一般情节应当给予批评教育; B.情节较重的,给予警告、严重警告或者撤销党内职务处分; C.情节严重的,给予留党察看或者开除党籍处分; D.情节较重或严重的,追究法律责任。 [判断题]甲因涉嫌抢夺他人数额较大的财物被公安机关刑事拘留,在需要实施逮捕而证据尚不符合逮捕条件的情况下,公安机关可以对甲取保候审,并可以责令其将护照等出入境证件、驾驶证件交执行机关保存。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交