A rose by any other name may smell as sweet, but if it’s not red or yellow, it doesn’t sell. According to James Crowe, chief executive of the Worcester -- based research company, Scintilla, the color of a product can dictate the strength of its sales.
His company has pioneered a method of testing consumer response to color which he claims can predict, with 90% accuracy, sales of a new product for up to 18 months after the launch. The method, "Chromtest", has been used to test everything from ladies’ dresses to sunglasses. Clients include Parsifal Lager, Amir Fashions, Coloroll Wallpaper and Meadowcourt China.
Color, says Mr. Crowe, is critical in ensuring product acceptance. It is not merely a case of choosing an acceptable primary color -- shades, tones and texture can all have a bearing on the consumer’s final choice.
"We could take 10 colors, each with six shades and virtually guarantee that two of the shades would
A. Mr. Chrom.
B. Mr. Scintilla.
C. Mr. Amir.
D. Mr. Crowe.
容积率 | 0.1 | 0.4 | 0.7 | 1.0 | 1.1 | 1.3 | 1.7 | 2.0 | 2.1 |
修正系数 | 0.5 | 0.6 |
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A. 于2007年6月15日前申请复议 B. 于2007年6月30日前申请复议 C. 于2007年6月15日前向人民法院起诉 D. 于2009年5月31目前向人民法院起诉 [多选题]侯男醉酒后到独居的前女友孙某住宅借钱1000元,孙某拿出4000元正数钱时,侯男一把抢过就跑。孙某追出门并大喊抓贼,侯男为脱身,转身将孙某摁倒在地,对其头部一阵拳打脚踢。赵某正巧路过,即上前制止。侯男转身殴打赵某,并称“叫人弄死你们”,赵某随即将侯男推倒,朝其腹部踩一脚。后经鉴定,侯男腹部横结肠破裂,属于重伤二级。下列说法正确的是( ).
A.侯男抢钱行为涉嫌抢夺罪 B. 侯男抢钱行为涉嫌抢劫罪 C.赵某的行为属于正当防卫 D.赵某涉嫌故意伤害罪 我来回答: 提交