Pregnancy mothers are getting a new
tool to help keep themselves and their babies healthy: pregnancy tips sent
directly to their cell phones. The so-called text4baby campaign is the first free, health education program in the U.S. to harness the reach of mobile phones, according to its sponsors. Organizers say texting is an effective means of delivering wellness tips because 90 percent of people in the U.S. have cell phones. "Especially if you start talking about low-income people, cell phones are the indispensable tool for reaching them and engaging them about their health," said Paul Meyer, president of Voxiva, a company which operates health texting programs in Africa, Latin America and India. Studies in those countries have shown that periodic texts can reduce smoking and othe A. A.take advantage of independent of C.produce an effect on D.expand the range of [单选题]下列( )属于库容库貌管理的内容
A.每天做到上下班检查仓库有无丢失,下班检查锁门、拉闸、断电等安全隐患 B.外单位机动车辆登记后方可进入大院,严禁携带任何易燃易爆有毒有害等危险品进入仓库 C.合理划分库区、库房和仓位,绘制相应的平面布置图,张贴或树立在醒目位置 D.库区及料场中不得堆放杂物,堆拆除的物资包装箱,下班前清理 [多选题]特殊时隙中 UPPTS可以占用几个符号?(多选)
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [判断题]低压电缆分支箱箱体外壳选用纤维增强型不饱和塑料或不锈钢材料。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下面属于网上通用付款平台的功能特色的是()
A. 可通过该平台,实现对个人客户的在线付款、查询、对账等操作 B. 采用延时支付的支付模式 C. 支持企业支票户支付账户类型 D. 支持互联网支付渠道 [单项选择]某企业有900名在职职工。根据《残疾人就业条例》,该企业安排残疾职工的人数不得少于()人,否则应缴纳残疾人就业保障金。
A. 9 B. 14 C. 18 D. 23 [单选题]为了预防患者跌倒伤害应尽量保持床单位处于
A.最高位置 B.最低位置 C.随患者喜好 D.方便家属陪住的位置 E.医护人员方便操作的位置 [单项选择]第三篇 More Than a Ride to School
The National Education Association claims,“The school bus is a mirror of the community.”
They further add that,unfortunately,what appears on the exterior does not always reflect the reality of a chosen community.They are right—sometimes it reflects more! Just ask Liesl Denson.Riding the sch001 bus has been more than a ride to school for Liesl.Bruce Hardy, sch001 bus driver for A1thouse Bus Company has been Liesl’s bus driver since kindergarten,Last year when Liesl’s family moved to Parkesburg,knowing her bus went by her new residence,she requested to ride the same bus.
This year Liesl is a senior and will enjoy her last year riding the bus.She says,“It’s been a great ride so far! My bus driver is so cool and has always been a good friend and a ‘good listener Sometimes when you’re a child adults do not think that what you have to say is important ML Hardy always listens to what you have to say and makes you feel important Her friends A
A. for 30 years. B. for 70 years C. since last year. D. since 2000. [单选题]洗车机侧洗精刷使用( )。
A.软水 B.清水 C.回用水 D.未处理的洗车污水 [判断题]A320CEO/NEO安装在地板处的撤离路径灯、客舱顶灯、上下出口指示灯和应急滑梯照明灯,便于在紧急情况下提供目
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]D32A型凹底平车编挂位置( )。
A.编入列车前部 B.编入列车中部 C.编入列车后部 D.无特殊要求 [简答题]紧急救护时,现场工作人员应掌握哪些救护方法?
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]CR400AF型动车组客室车窗按照功能的不同车窗可分为普通车窗和应急车窗。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在探测器的一定范围内不应有遮挡物,探测器距墙壁、梁边或防烟通道垂壁的净距不应小于()m。
A. 0.2 B. 0.3 C. 0.5 D. 1.5 [单项选择]临床上作为曲精细管受损的指标
A. 人绒毛膜促性腺激素 B. 人胎盘生乳素 C. 雌激素 D. 孕激素 E. 前列腺素 [判断题]严禁在轻质屋顶、遮阳棚、雨搭、可燃油气罐上部设置水枪阵地。( )(易)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]依《反垄断法》规定,下列属于经营者集中的情形是( )。
A. 经营者取得其他经营者的股权 B. 经营者之间签订合作开发合同 C. 经营者合并 D. 经营者联合抵制其他经营者 [单项选择]菊花具有的功效是( )
A. 平降肝阳,息风止痉,清肝明目 B. 疏风清热,息风止痉 C. 清肺止咳,清热解毒 D. 疏散风热,清热解毒,清肝明目 E. 疏风清热,清利咽喉 [判断题]( )故障或自然灾害处置后,由现场领导干部确定放行列车条件。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]煤矿企业的管理人员违章指挥、强令职工冒险作业,发生重大伤亡事故的,依照刑法相关规定追究刑事责任。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交