During the past 15 years, the most
important component of executive pay packages, and the one .most responsible for
the large increase in the level of such compensation, has been stock-option
grants. The increased use of option grants was justified as a way to align
executives’ interests with shareholders’. For various tax, accounting, and
regulatory reasons, stock-option grants have largely comprised "at-the-money
options": rights to purchase shares at an "exercise price" equal to the
company’s stock price on the grant date. In such at-the-money options, the
selection of the grant date for awarding options determines the options’
exercise price and thus can have a significant effect on their value. Earlier research by financial economists on backdating practices focused on the extent to which the company’s stock price went up abnorm A. stock options are more likely to be awarded when prices are low. B. there is a vague relationship between stock options and grant price. C. there is a clear relationship between lucky grants and lucky dates. D. stock options are only awarded when the price is at the lowest. [多项选择]依照《税收征收管理法》的规定,税收享有一定的优先权,下列哪些情况税款应当优先清偿( )
A. 某甲拥有对纳税人乙的无担保债权,该债权发生在乙勽缴税款之前 B. 某甲以自己的房屋作为抵押向银行贷款,此前某甲已经发生欠缴税款的情况 C. 某公司因环境污染被处以罚款,与此同时该公司被查出有欠缴税款的情况 D. 某公司被宣告破产,该公司不仅欠缴税款,还有部分职工的工资未发 [判断题]特高频与超声波局放检测方法可进行局放源定位。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]防静电服必须与防静电鞋配套使用,不允许在易燃易爆的场所穿脱。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]国际制土壤质地分类方法的特点是相邻各粒级的粒径相关均为()倍。
A. 1 B. 10 C. 2 D. 20 [单项选择]按照计税依据数额大小设置的逐级递增的系列税率称为()
A. 比例税率 B. 累进税率 C. 单一定额税率 D. 差别定额税率 [简答题]圆管中层流与紊流,其流速分布有什么不同?
[多选题]绝缘操作杆的机械试验项目包括( )
A.抗弯静负荷试验 B.抗弯动负荷试验 C.抗扭静负荷试验 D.抗扭动负荷试验 [判断题] 饮水机桶装水应每日进行更换。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]公安机关勘查一般刑事案件现场应当()。
A. 拍摄现场照片 B. 绘制现场图 C. 制作笔录 D. 录像 [判断题]带电检测绝缘子应在潮湿天气进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]对Crohn病最有诊断意义的病理改变是
A. 肠腺隐窝脓肿 B. 炎性息肉 C. 肠瘘形成 D. 肠壁非干酪性上皮样肉芽肿 E. 肠系膜淋巴结肿大 [判断题]甲单位一施工场所内有乙、丙两个承包单位,依据《安全生产法》的要求,由甲单位对乙、丙两个单位的安全生产工作进行统一协调、管理。
[单选题]在一切电话中断时间内,如有封锁区间抢修施工或开通封锁区间时,由接到请求的车站值班员以( )通知封锁区间的相邻车站。
A.口头 B.派人 C.书面 D.电话 [判断题]工作时间前后在工作场所内,从事与工作有关的预备性或者收尾性工作受到事故伤害的应当认定为工伤。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]避雷器可以用来防止雷电侵入高压电气设备也可以用来保护小型独立的建筑物免遭雷击。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交