John Grisham was born on February 2,
1955, in Jonesboro, Arkansas, in the USA. His father was a construction worker
and moved his family all around the southern states of America, stopping
wherever he could find work. Eventually they settled in Mississippi. Graduating
from law school in 1981, Grisham practiced law for nearly a decade in Southaven,
specializing in criminal defense and personal injury litigation (诉讼). In 1983,
he was elected to the state House of Representatives and served until
1990. One day at the Dessoto County courthouse, Grisham heard the horrifying testimony of a 12-year-old rape victim. He decided to write a novel exploring what would have happened if the girl’s father had murdered her attackers. He proceeded to get up every morning at 5 a.m. to work on the novel, called A Time to Kill, which was publis A. to achieve his life’s goal as a professional baseball player B. to coach children in baseball C. to see his childhood dream being realized in the children D. to provide facilities of baseball training [判断题] 在楼梯间等竖直方向上,烟火的运动速度要比人跑得快。 [判断题] *
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]加垫屈肢止血法,是将纱布垫置于肘窝、膕窝处的关节屈曲部位,用绷带固定,每隔40~50min时,松开(____)min,防止肢体缺血、坏死。
A.2~3 B.3~5 C.5~7 D.7~9 [单项选择]“公式”工具栏的顶行是(),底行是样板。
A. 字符 B. 符号 C. 模板 D. 编辑 [单项选择]成人孤立性慢性心脏传导阻滞的最常见病因是()
A. Chagas病 B. Lyme病 C. 冠心病 D. Lev病 E. 钙化性主动脉瓣狭窄 [单选题]()是指计入资产负债表内的业务所形成的敞口头寸,等于表内的即期资产减去即期负债。
A.即期净敞口头寸 B.远期净敞口头寸 C.总敞口头寸 D.期权敞口头寸 [单项选择]网络节点之间的接口是()。
A. UNI B. UI C. NNI D. NI [简答题]奏国歌和唱国歌时,应注意哪些礼仪?
A. 一个DBF文件 B. 若干个二维表 C. 一个DBC文件 D. 若干个DBC文件 [单选题]企业因在境外发行证券与上市等原因,需要向有关证券公司、证券服务机构和境外监管机构提供或者公开披露涉及国家安全或者重大利益的电子会计资料的,应当依法报()批准。
A.国家档案局 B.国务院财政部 C.国家税务总局 D.证监会 [单选题]败血症发生的原因不包括( )
A.消毒不严格 B.输液系统被细菌或真菌等病原微生物污染 C.穿刺点局部细菌繁殖并随导管反复移动被带入体内及导管头端 D.营养液在配置过程中被病原菌污染或输液管到系统的连接处密封不严使病原菌进入体内 E.生产过程不严,造成液体原始污染行为的院内感染 [单项选择]下列哪项是良性葡萄胎追踪随访的主要目的()
A. 及早发现妊娠 B. 及早发现恶变 C. 指导避孕 D. 了解盆腔恢复情况 E. 了解腹痛情况 [单选题]《道岔保养质量评定标准》规定:道钉浮离、扣件扭矩(扣压力)不符合规定或弹条扣件中部前端下颚离缝大于1mm者、轨距挡板前、后离缝大于2mm,不良者超过( ),每增1%扣1分。
A.0.04 B.0.08 C.0.12 D.0.16 [单项选择]Most children with healthy appetites are ready to eat almost anything that is offered them and a child rarely dislikes food (67) it is badly cooked.
The (68) a meal is cooked and served is most important and an (69) served meal will often improve a child’s appetite. Never ask a child (70) he likes or dislikes a food and never (71) likes and dislikes in front of him or allow (72) else to do so. If the father says he hates fat meat or the mother (73) vegetables in the child’s hearing he is (74) to copy this procedure. Take it (75) granted that he likes everything and he probably (76) . Nothing healthful should be omitted from the meal because of a (77) dislike. At meal times it is a good (78) to give a child a small portion and let him (79) back for a second helping rather than give him as (80) as he is likely to eat all at once. Do not talk too much to the child (81) meal times, [单项选择]导致扩张型心肌病最重要的原因之一是()。
A. 结缔组织病 B. 遗传 C. 病毒性心肌炎 D. 细菌感染 E. 药物中毒 [单项选择]维生素E缺乏时可出现的症状不包括()。
A. 溶血性贫血 B. 视网膜蜕变 C. 神经退行性病变 D. 小脑共济失调 E. 手足痉挛症 [单选题] (中)( )按照中央有关文件规定,各级财政在安排培训经费时要统筹安排党员教育培训经费;国有企业要从按规定提取的( )中足额安排党员教育培训经费
A.行政经费 B.党组织活动经费 C.职工教育经费 D.党费 我来回答: 提交