"I was a lover, before this war." Those are the fast words sung on TV on the Radio’s "Return to Cookie Mountain," one of the most widely praised albums of 2006. Whatever the line means within the band’s cryptic lyrics, it could also apply to the past year’s popular music. Thoughts of romance, vice and comfort still dominated the charts and the airwaves. But amid the entertainment, songwriters— including some aiming for the Top 10—were also grappling with a war that wouldn’t go away.
Pop’s political consciousness rises in every election year, and much as it became clear in November that voters are tired of war, music in 2006 also reflected battle fatigue. Beyond typical wartime attitudes of belligerence, protest and yearning for peace, in 2006 pop moved toward something different: a mood somewhere between resignation and a siege mentality.
Songs that touched on the war in 2006 were suffused with the mour
A. ended
B. prolonged
C. protruded
D. terminated
If you go to Hong Kong by air, you will
arrive at Kal Tak Airport. Because there was no suitable land, this was built
out into the sea. It is in the part of Hong Kong called Kowloon. Kowloon is one
of the two big cities in Hong Kong. It is only a few miles from Guang Dong
Province. The other city is Hong Kong itself. This is on an island and to get
there from the mainland, you have to go by a ferry(渡船) through a tunnel(隧道 )
under the sea. Much of Hong Kong is farmland and mountains; the cities occupy
only about 10% of the area. The population of Hong Kong is over 4. 5 million.
98% of these are Chinese. Its official languages are Chinese and English. The
currency is called the Hong Kong dollar. Because most of the people are Chinese, Hong Kong is also a [单选题]铁路轨道是线路的上部建筑,包括钢轨、轨枕、联结零件、道床、防爬设备。
A.A.正确 B.B.错误 [多项选择]合同中的数量条款为“1000M/T With 5% more or less at seller's option”,则卖方交货数量可以是:( )。
A. 1000M/T B. 950M/T C. 1500M/T D. 1050M/T [判断题]事故紧急抢修工作,指用电设备发生故障被迫紧急停止运行,需短时间内恢复的抢修和排除故障的工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]房产税由房产所在地的房屋管理部门负责征收。 ( )
A. 球结膜充血和眼底视乳头充血 B. 肌肉抽搐与无意识动作 C. 腱反射减弱或消失,锥体束征阳性 D. 扑翼样震颤 [单选题]用户提出减少用电容量的期限最短不得少于( )个月。
A.5 B.6 C.7 D.8 [单选题] 微信分期用户支付分最低多少分可以办理( )。
A.550分 B.600分 C.650分 D.700分 [单项选择]分析煤样装入瓶中,不应超过瓶容积的()
A. 1/3; B. 1/2; C. 3/4; D. 90% 我来回答: 提交