Visitors to Britain may find the best place to sample local culture is in a traditional pub. But these friendly hostelries can be (1) of potential discourtesies and offenses for the (2) .
An anthropologist and a team of researchers have unveiled some of the mysterious (3) of British pubs—starting with the difficulty of getting a drink. Most pubs have (4) waiters—you have to go to the bar to buy drinks. A group of Italian youths waiting 45 minutes (5) they realized they would have to (6) their own drinks. This may sound inconvenient, but there is a (7) purpose.
Pub culture is designed to (8) sociability in a society (9) . its reserve. Standing at the bar for service (10) you to chat with others waiting to (11) . The bar counter is possibly the only (12) in the British Isles in which friendly conversation with strangers is considered (13) app
A. before
B. while
C. when
D. after
指标名称 | 单位 | 累计 | 本月 | 比去年同期增长% | |
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A. 正治法 B. 反治法 C. 治标法 D. 从治法 E. 治本法 [单项选择]“笔落惊风雨,诗成泣鬼神。”这一名句出自()的诗句。
A. 杜甫 B. 李白 C. 欧阳修 D. 苏轼 [判断题]对DME来讲,识别脉冲码有最高优先权.(2560)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Sam: We’’ll all miss Geoff and Pat. Larry: ______
A. I’ll not Miss Pat. B. I’m afraid I’ll miss only Geoff. C. Geoff and Pat are different. D. Well, we’ll all miss Geoff. [填空题]The work for which Thomas Malthus is still most widely known is his Essay on the Principle of Population, which first appeared in 1798. This book introduced Malthus’s
__67__ that population inescapably outgrows subsistence (生活资料), and that this difference __68__ population size and the ability to adequately meet the __69__ subsistence needs of all the members of that population " naturally" produces a fundamental struggle for __70__ in which some flourish at the __71__ of others.
Charles Darwin’s most important contribution __72__ the field of biology, described
in his work. On the Origin of Species, was to __73__ Malthus’s observation that plants and animals multiply faster than nature can provide for them to his own __74__ of the process of "evolution" - the notion that different forms of life develop __75__ from a common ancestry (祖先). Combining these elements, Darwin __76__ that the factors of "the struggle for existence" and "the survival of the fittest" are the central mechani
A. A.leading B.directing C.heading D.conducting [单选题]血友病的凝血异常为
A.APTT缩短、PT正常 B.APTT正常、PT延长 C.APTT延长、PT正常 D.APTT正常、PT正常 E.APTT延长、PT延长 [单项选择]贵重药材、毒剧药材及高浓度制剂药材的提取应采用()。
A. 煎煮法 B. 浸渍法 C. 渗漉法 D. 水蒸气蒸馏法 E. 超临界流体提取法 [单项选择]城市用电负荷可分为第一产业用电、第二产业用电、第三产业用电和( )等四类。
A. 城市用地用电负荷 B. 城市建筑用电负荷 C. 城市居民生活用电 D. 城市公共设施用电 [判断题]BB044计量分离器的安全阀可以垂直安装也可以水平安装。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]世界艾滋病日是
A.12月1日 B.12月12日 C.11月1日 D.12月10日 [单选题]排烟机排烟方法属于( )。
A.自然排烟 B.人工排烟 C.喷雾水排烟 D.机械排烟 [多选题]声誉事件达到()、()时界定为重大声誉事件。
A.一 B.二 C.三 D.四 [多选题]《商业银行理财产品销售管理办法》对理财产品宣传销售文本的规定包括( )。
A.只能登载商业银行开发设计的该款理财产品或风险等级和结构相同的同类理财产品过往平均业绩及最好、最差业绩 B.引用的统计数据、图表和资料应当真实、准确、全面,并注明来源,不得引用未经核实的数据 C.理财产品宣传销售文本中出现表达收益率或收益区间字样的,应当在销售文件中提供科学、合理的测算依据和测算方式,以醒目文字提醒客户,“测算收益不等于实际收益,投资需谨慎” D.理财产品宣传销售文本中使用模拟数据的,必须注明模拟数据 E.商业银行可以通过电视、电台等渠道对具体理财产品进行宣传 [单选题]在日常监督检查中,烟草专卖执
法人员必须充分利用烟草法律法规 赋予的权力,运用( )语言,严 肃地指出当事人的违法事实、违法程 度以及由此带来的后果 A.技术性 B.声调不同 C.法律性 D.反驳式 [单选题]在实验内容设计过程中,要尽量选择什么物品做实验?
A.无公害、无毒或低毒的物品 B.实验的残液、残渣较多的物品 C.实验的残液、残渣不可回收的物品 [多选题]做口对口人工呼吸前,应()。
A.将伤员放在空气流通的地方 B.解松伤员的衣扣、裤带、裸露前胸 C.将伤员的头侧过 D.清除伤员呼吸道内的异物 E.略 F.略 G.略 H.略 [单选题]甲为了达到不可告人的政治目的,组织集会大肆宣传极端主义,影响恶劣。甲构成( )。
A.宣扬恐怖主义罪 B.宣扬极端主义罪 C.煽动实施恐怖活动罪 D.组织恐怖组织罪 [单选题]日常应加强可动心轨辙叉道岔防松螺母的位置、扭矩和上下螺母()的检查、维修。
A.扭矩 B.间隙 C.位置 D.方向 [单选题]ZYJ7型电液转辙机自动开闭器动接点在静接点片内接触深度不小于()
A.2mm B.3mm C.4mm D.5mm [单项选择]He was very sorry()her at the airport.
A. not to meet B. to not meet C. to have not meet D. not to have met [多选题]框架协议采购确定哪些范围实现采购结果?()
A.确定协议供应商 B.确定单价或定价 C.协议期限 D.付款方式 [单项选择]单位(子单位)工程质量竣工验收时,各项验收记录中的验收结论应由()填写。
A. 监理单位 B. 建设单位 C. 施工单位 D. 质量监督站 我来回答: 提交