重视保护非物质文化遗产有何重要意义? Warman’s, the makers of office
materials, had advertised for a travelling salesman. Mr. Barlow applied for the
job, and soon afterwards was invited to the company’s head office to meet Mr.
Snell, the sales manager. Mr. Snell asked Mr. Barlow what experience he had had
as a salesman. "I worked as a salesman for a brush company until six months ago. I sold brushes, dusters, tins of polish, things like that. I went from door to door selling direct to housewives." Mr. Snell then asked him why he had left that job. "Well, to be honest, it was very hard work," Mr. Barlow replied. "It meant walking sometimes six or eight miles a day. But the real reason for leaving was that I didn’t think very highly of the goods that I was selling. They were not of the best quality, and that made it difficult for me to be sincere when I had to tell hous A. he was given a job selling brushes and dusters at Caldwell’s B. he applied for the job of travelling salesman at Warman’s C. his family did not support him in his work as a brush salesman D. he was not earning enough money as a brush salesman [多项选择]下列哪些情形属于禁止垄断协议的豁免
A. 经营者能够证明所达成的协议为改进技术、研究开发新产品的 B. 经营者能够证明所达成的协议是为保障对外贸易和对外经济合作中的正当利益的 C. 经营者能够证明所达成的协议是为提高中小经营者经营效率,增强中小经营者竞争力的,并且证明所达成的协议不会严重限制相关市场的竞争,并且能够使消费者分享由此产生的利益 D. 经营者能够证明所达成的协议是因经济不景气,为缓解销售量严重下降或者生产明显过剩的 [单选题]沟通客体即沟通对象,包括个体沟通对象和( )。
A. 团队沟通对象 B.多人沟通对象 C. 团体沟通对象 D. 双向沟通对象 [单项选择]
At a time when the world is short of causes for celebration, here is a candidate: within the next few months women will cross the 50% threshold and become the majority of the American workforce. [判断题]行政机关在作出行政处罚决定前应当告知当事人有要求举行听证的权利。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]铁路货物运输费用由铁路运输企业使用()和()收据以及专用收据核收。
A.增值税票 B.货票系统 C.货物运单 D.运费杂费 [单选题]40. 循环流化床锅炉使用石灰石粉剂主要是减少 )的排放。
A.NOx; B.SO2; C.CASO4 [多项选择]说明:以下是一篇传真,Lucy感谢Jodge于3月12日发来的传真并告之,她于周四早晨到达伦敦,请预订25,26日两晚的带淋浴的单人房。她将于27日早飞到Manchester,问能否于星期日早9时与对方见面时间是否合适请尽快告知。
From: Lucy Morris To: Jodge Rumble Subject: Trip arrangement Date: March 22,2004 Total Page: 1 Dear Jodge, [单选题]08-475型道岔捣固车高速走行驱动为( )驱动。[321030101]
A.液压 B.机械 C.液力—机械 D.机械—机械 我来回答: 提交