Low levels of literacy and numeracy have a damaging impact on almost every aspect of adults, according to a survey published yesterday, which offers (1) of a developing underclass. Tests and (2) with hundreds of people born in a week in 1958 graphically illustrated the (3) of educational underachievement. The effects can be seen in unemployment, family (4) , low incomes, depression and social inactivity.
Those who left school at 16 with poor basic skills had been employed for up to four years less than good readers (5) they reached 37. Professor John Bynner, of City University, who carried the research, said that today’s (6) teenagers would even encounter greater problems because the supply of (7) jobs had shrunk.
Almost one fifth of the 1,700 people interviewed for yesterday’s report had poor literacy and almost half (8) with innumeracy, a proportion (9) other surveys for the Basic Skills
A. the time
B. the instant
C. the moment
D. the point
Imagine a world in which children would
be the rulers and could decide not only the outcome of each and every
occurrence, but also dictate the very structure and form of the environment. In
this world, a child’s wildest thoughts would become reality, limited only by the
extent of his or her imagination. While such a world might sound both fantastic and frightening, at least from a logical, adult perspective, it does exist. What’s more, it has been in existence for some time and is populated by hundreds of thousands of children who spend hours within its boundaries experimenting and learning. This world is not real. at least not in the traditional sense, but exists within a computer and is generated by an educational programming language called LOGO. Unlike other computer languages and programs that are designed to test children an A. Children Rule the World B. Computer Languages C. The Unreal World of the Child and LOGO D. Children Learn Reasoning Using LOGO [单项选择]下列不符合华夏银行关联自然人认定标准的是()
A. 华夏银行的内部人 B. 持有华夏银行信用卡的自然人 C. 华夏银行的主要自然人股东 D. 华夏银行的内部人和主要自然人股东的近亲属 [单选题]患儿,男,6个月。口腔内白屑散在,周围红晕不著,形体消瘦,颧红,手足心热,舌红少苔,脉细,指纹紫。其首选方剂宜选用
A.六味地黄丸 B.玉屏风散 C.清胃散 D.薏苡仁汤 E.知柏地黄丸 [单项选择]患者女性,34岁。6个月前因身体不适,向一气功师请教学习,几天后觉得这个气功师总跟着她,并给她发功,让她身体更加难受,使她眼前能看到黑骷髅,耳边能听到气功师说威胁性的话,命令她干这干那,如果不同意就加害于她。被家人强制送入院。既往体健。个人史无特殊。家族史阴性。利培酮5mg/d治疗2个月后精神病性症状持续存在,同时患者觉得特别痛苦,高兴不起来,没有兴趣,想到去死,查体:面具脸,协调动作减少。适宜的处理()
A. 增加利培酮剂量 B. 减少利培酮剂量 C. 换用氯氮平 D. 换用喹硫平 E. 换用氟哌啶醇 [单项选择]一个著名的旅游城市,每年都接待许多中外游客。在游览风景名胜的路上,导游总在几个工艺品加工厂停车,劝大家去厂里参观,而且说买不买都没有关系。为此,一些游客常有怨言,但此种现象仍在继续,甚至一年胜似一年。
以下哪项最不可能是造成以上现象的原因( ) A. 有些游客来旅游的一项重要任务就是购物。若是空手回家,家里人会不高兴的 B. 虽然有的人不满意,许多游客是愿意的,他们从厂里出来时的笑容就是证据 C. 厂家生产的产品直销,质量有保证,价格也便宜,何乐而不为 D. 所有的游客经济上都是富裕的,他们只想省时间,不在意商品的价格 [单选题]银汞合金的最佳塑形时间为
A.1~15分钟 B.20分钟以后 C.15~20分钟 D.20~25分钟 E.5~15分钟 [填空题]肾蕨生长期光照不可太弱,否则生长弱易落叶。繁殖多采用()、()及()。
A. 鸦胆子、白头翁 B. 秦皮、马齿苋 C. 黄连、黄芩 D. 地锦草、红藤 E. 以上都不是 [单项选择]活塞式压力计分类错误的是()。
A. 国家基准器,基本误差±0.005% B. 一等标准器,基本误差±0.02% C. 二等标准器,基本误差±0.05% D. 三等标准器,基本误差±0.2% [多项选择]消化性溃疡的主要病因有()
A. 饮酒 B. 疲劳 C. 自身免疫 D. 幽门螺杆菌 E. 非甾体抗炎药 [多项选择]调经诸法中,下列哪些是最为重要的方法()
A. 调理气血 B. 疏肝 C. 扶脾 D. 补肾 E. 清热 [多选题] 扑救高层建筑火灾合理组织火场供水方法()。
A. 利用消防水池供水。 B. 利用移动消防装备与固定消防设施相结合供水 C. 利用固定消防设施供水 D. 利用移动消防装备直接供水 [单选题]2M支路接口协议是( )。
A.G.701协议 B.G.703协议 C.G.704协议 D.G.705协议 [单项选择]搏斗运动指()在一定条件下按照一定的规则进行斗智较力的对抗运动。
A. 两人 B. 三人 C. 四人 我来回答: 提交