{{B}}Quake Engineering: Looking at the Turkish Earthquake Damage {{/B}} Despite the size of the devastating quake that ripped through Turkey, American structural engineers say there was something that might have alleviated the damage and saved lives. These images of the devastation in Turkey confirm what seismic engineers already know: that a powerful earthquake has an ally in a weak building. Jim Malley of Degenkolb Engineers, "This is the most common form of multi-story building In Turkey. It’s what we call a concrete frame." Structural engineer Jim Malley studied damaged buildings in Turkey in 1992 after a 6.8 (Richter Scale)quake left more than 600 dead. Jim Malley says, "These are very heavy buildings and A. to have panic attacks with strangers B. ways of coping with construction techniques C. how to build weak joints D. to be seismic engineers [单项选择]胸痹重证,阴寒极盛者,其治法是
A. 散寒化痰通络 B. 理气通阳化瘀 C. 芳香温通止痛 D. 益气温阳散寒 E. 回阳救逆固脱 [单选题]垫片的种类多种多样,按其构造的主题材料分为非金属、半金属和金属垫片三大类。下列不属于金属垫的是()。
A.平形金属垫片 B.波形金属垫片 C.金属缠绕垫 D.齿形金属垫 [单项选择] Food
Many Americans harbour a grossly distorted and exaggerated view of most of the risks surrounding food. Fergus Clydesdale, head of the department of food science and nutrition at the university of Massachusetts Amherst, says bluntly that if the dangers from bacterially contaminated chicken were as great as some people believe. "The streets would be littered with people lying here and there."
Though the public increasingly demands no-risk food, there is no such thing. Bruce Ames, chairman of the biochemistry department at the University of California, Berkeley, points out that up to 10% of a plant’’s weight is made up of natural pesticides(杀虫剂) . Says he; "Since plants do not have jaws or teeth to protect themselves, they employ chemical warfare. " And many naturally produced chemicals, though occurring in tiny amounts, prove in laboratory tests to be strong carcinogens—a substance which can cause cancer. Mushrooms (蘑菇) might be banned i
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not Mentioned [单选题] 起动机作空载试验时,若电流和转速都小,说明电路存在( )。
A.短路故障 B.断路故障 C.接触电阻大 D.接触电阻小 [单项选择]化疗病人考虑停药的白细胞计数是
A. 4.0乘以十的九次方/L B. 1.0乘以十的九次方/L C. 5.0乘以十的九次方/L D. 2.0乘以十的九次方/L E. 3.0乘以十的九次方/L [简答题]药物渗出临床表现与分级?
[简答题] 6S管理六大元素的内涵简单概括就是(1.0分)
A. 一定要自己想办法排除隐患 B. 立即停止作业 C. 告知工友注意安全后继续作业 D. 立即向现场安全生产管理人员或者单位负责人报告 [填空题]在规定的环境条件下,材料仍能满足()要求而不失效的()存放时间成为贮存期
[单选题]细胞膜脂质双分子层中镶嵌蛋白质的形式是( )。
A.仅在内表面 B.仅在外表面 C.仅在两层之间 D.仅在外表面与内表面 E.靠近膜的内侧面,外侧面,贯穿整个脂质双层三种形式均有 [判断题]任何单位、个人,不得占用、堵塞、封闭安全出口。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者,男,70岁,腹痛月余,症见:脐周作痛绵绵,时作时止,喜温恶寒,喜按,形寒肢冷,神疲乏力,胃纳不佳,面色不华,大便溏薄,舌淡、苔薄白,脉沉无力。辨证为()
A. 肝郁气滞 B. 中虚脏寒 C. 寒邪内阻 D. 脾肾虚寒 E. 脾胃虚弱 [填空题] 作业现场的生产条件和安全设施等应符合有关标准、规范的要求,工作人员的( )应合格、齐备。
[多选题]下列关于移动式电动机械和手持电动工具电源线的使用符合规定是:( )。
A.A-单相电源线应使用三芯软橡胶电缆 B.B-单相电源线应使用四芯软橡胶电缆 C.C-三相电源线在三相四线制系统中应使用四芯软橡胶电缆 D.D-三相电源线在三相五线制系统中宜使用五芯软橡胶电缆 [单项选择]下列关于影响照片密度的因素,错误的是
A. 照射量 B. 管电压 C. 摄影距离 D. 被照体厚度和密度 E. 胶片的反差系数 [判断题]候机隔离区应当实施封闭管理,凡与非隔离区相毗邻的门、窗、通道等部位,应采取有效的隔离措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]安全检查的主要内容有( )。
A.查思想 B.查教育 C.查管理 D.查隐患 E.查整改 [单项选择]下述哪一种药物,使心肌对儿茶酚胺作用最强
A. 氟烷 B. 硫喷妥钠 C. 氧化亚氮 D. 乙醚 E. 氯胺酮 [单项选择]按规定船上负责保管航海日志的是()。
A. 船长 B. 驾驶员 C. 大副 D. 二副 [多选题]《个人贷款尽职免责实施细则》规定:个人贷款实施尽职免责,免除责任的内容包括( )等。
A.内部考核扣减 B.经济处罚 C.纪律处分 D.刑事处罚 [单项选择]运动能力与体内糖原储备量有关的主要方面是()。
A. 运动力量 B. 运动耐力 C. 运动技巧 D. 运动灵敏性 E. 运动间歇性 我来回答: 提交