The historian Frederick J. Turner wrote in the 1890’s that the agrarian discontent that had been developing steadily in the United States since about 1870 had been speeded by the closing of the internal frontier -- that is, the depletion of available new land needed for further expansion of the American farming system. Not only was Turner’s thesis influential at the time, it was later adopted and elaborated by other scholars, such as John D. Hicks in The populist Revolt (1931). Actually, however, new lands were taken up for farming in the United States throughout and beyond the nineteenth century. In the 1890’s, when agrarian discontent had become most acute, 1,100,000 new farms were settled, which was 500,000 more than had been settled during the previous decade. After 1890, under the terms of the Homestead Act and its successors, more new land was taken up for fanning than had been taken up for this purpose in the United states up until that time. It is true t
A. similar in size but in the opposite direction
B. much smaller and in the same direction
C. much smaller but in the opposite direction
D. slightly greater and in the same direction
女性,58岁,颈肩痛伴左手麻木1年,咳嗽时加重,疼痛向左上肢放射,左手握力减退,用筷子夹菜、扣扣子等精细动作困难。检查:颈部活动受限,左拇指及前臂桡侧感觉减退。 |