What is the ’biggest city in the world That is, (21) city has the largest population This seems like (22) question to answer, but actually it isn’t.
It’s actually rather difficult to say which cities (23) the largest. There are two reasons for this difficulty. First of all, it isn’t easy to determine a city’s boundaries, that is, where a city ends. Nowadays, nearly all cities have a large (24) area around them. So when we talk about the population of a city, we often mean the population of the whole metropolitan area around the city. That means that it’s difficult to determine what the population of a city is because it’s difficult to define what a city is.
The second reason that it is difficult to (25) the population of different cities is this: it is almost impossible to get (26) about the population of all cities for the same year. For example, we might get an estimate of New Yo
A. are
B. were
C. is
D. was
Americans have a craze for the sun, a
belief that sun will cure chronic illness, and that where there is sunshine
there will be a job or, if not a job, at least a warm, pleasant place to be
unemployed. There will be low electricity bills, and no need to spend much on
clothes ! There will be the simple luxury of being able to sit on the porch the
whole year round in an open-necked shirt or a swimsuit. The most desirable place in the American sun is the coastline of southern California, for here the climate is Mediterranean. It is rarely too hot and rarely too cold. This being so, the price of apartment and rents, and land for building homes, is beyond the means of the average sun-seeker. The neighboring state of New Mexico is now waiting with dread for the flux of sunworshippers. New Mexico is proud of its wild mo A. They believe that the sun will be the panacea. B. They believe that sunshine will provide a warm, pleasant place for unemployed people. C. They believe that sunshine will save electricity but not the expense on clothes. D. They believe that an open-necked shirt or swimsuit is the luxury. [单选题]检修现场工作时,应仔细核对(),严防走错位置。
A.设备出线方向 B.检修设备名称 C.设备进线方式 D.设备接线图 [填空题]ZPW-2000A型无绝缘移频自动闭塞,ZPW.JFM电码化发送检测盘“发送电源”电压应在( )范围内。
A.一个月 B.二个月 C.半个月 D.一个半月 [单选题].依据《集团公司加强直接作业环节安全管理十条措施》的释义,生产厂区是指正在运行的各类生产区域,不包括( )。
A.扩建项目 B.新建项目 C.安全交出并实施硬隔离的区域 [单选题]中国电影( )与中国电影金鸡奖、大众电影百花奖,并称为中国电影三大奖项。其奖杯采用的是北京天安门城楼前的华表造型。
A.金爵奖 B.华表奖 C.金鹰奖 D.百合奖 [多项选择]下列选项中,民事法律行为不能发生效力的是( )
A. 甲将其所有的旧款电视抛弃,并声明:“任何人一个月不得捡此电视。” B. 甲和乙因为生意上的原因互负同类债务互享同类债权,且均已届清偿期。甲去电给乙说:“在三日内我方与你方的债权债务发生抵销,请着手办理相关事宜。” C. 甲和乙的父亲去世了,在遗产处理前,甲与乙协商:“由于我的生活是长年在外漂泊,因此,我放弃遗产继承权,但你需要帮我好好赡养母亲。” D. 甲公司请求承兑时,乙公司在汇票上签注:“承兑。丙公司款到后支付。” [单选题]高层建筑发生火灾时供人员暂时避难、休息的楼层叫()。(易)
A.休息层 B.避难层 C.安全层 D.中转层 [判断题]道口故障处理信号备品:信号灯、红色信号旗、黄色信号旗、短路铜线等()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]法的本质是由()决定的。
A. 社会生产力水平 B. 社会经济基础 C. 党的政策 D. 全体社会成员的共同意志 [多选题]证人应当承担法律责任的情况有()。
A.隐匿罪证 B.如实提供证据 C.有意作伪证 D.误证 [单选题]末级配电箱中剩余电流动作保护装置(漏电保护器)的额定动作电流不应大于()mA,额定漏电动作时间不应大于0.1s。
A.35 B.40 C.50 D.30 [单项选择]以下网络存储模式中,真正实现即插即用的是______。
A. DAS B. NAS C. open SAN D. 智能化SAN [简答题] 当气象台发布风力超过的预报时,做好全线停运的准备工作。(1.0 分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]( )是用以指导较大用地范围内开发建设。
A. 控制性详细规划 B. 控制性总体规划 C. 建设性详细规划 D. 修建性详细规划 [判断题]停心电监护时,先撤各导联线后,再关机。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]压缩空气站,一般应安装空气压缩机、空气过滤器、后冷却器和储气罐,还应安装( )。
A.空气处理器 B.空气干燥器 C.油水分离器 D.负荷调节器 [单项选择]要使图像框(Image)中的图像能随着图像框的大小伸缩,应该设置的属性及值是
A. AutoSize值为True B. AutoRedraw值为True C. Stretch值为True D. BorderStyle值为0 我来回答: 提交