开-闭原则(0pen-Closed Principle,OCP)是面向对象的可复用设计的基石。开-闭原则是指一个软件实体应当对 (104) 开放,对 (105) 关闭;里氏代换原则(Liskov Substitution Principle,LSP)是指任何 (106) 可以出现的地方, (107) 一定可以出现。依赖倒转原则(Dependence Inversion Principle,DIP)就是要依赖于 (108) 而不依赖于 (109) ,或者说要针对接口编程,不要针对实现编程。
(105)处填()。I am not convinced that this argument is
particularly good news for elders who may be (51) to enjoy
the time of their lives. What maybe good news is perhaps best forgotten by those
who are (52) on from day to day, and getting by as best as
they (53) . Causation is itself an (54)
matter for the unscientific mind. Which would you rather feel: that your cancer
has been genetically (55) , induced by stress or caused by
viruses Brought about by your own folly in smoking cigarettes, as Kirkwood
himself appears to take (56) granted — brought about
casually and spontaneou A. boiling B. toiling C. chopping D. cutting [填空题]总部通信电源运行维护规程规定:电压波形正弦畸变率≤()。三相供电电压不平衡度≤()。
A. 活性 B. 选择性 C. 寿命 D. 价格 [单选题]场(厂)内机专用动车辆驾驶员不准驾驶( )车辆。
A.与准驾车类不相符的 B.悬挂试车牌照的 C.悬挂教练车牌照的 [多项选择]女,18岁,诉胸骨后疼痛,气促,平卧刺激性咳嗽明显,坐位稍好转,MRI示"右上纵隔7cm×9cm肿块",拟行"纵隔肿瘤切除术"。入院后进一步检查表明患者为重症肌无力合并胸腺瘤,拟行"胸腺瘤切除术",下列有关重症肌无力的麻醉前处理哪些正确()
A. 麻醉前应重点检查有无延髓支配肌群受累 B. 应用抗胆碱酯酶药物、激素及免疫抑制剂 C. 术前借助肌肉松弛监测仪测试神经-肌肉传递功能有助于了解肌无力的程度,为合理选用肌肉松弛药提供依据 D. 术前镇静剂的使用应以能镇静但又不抑制呼吸为原则,保持病人情绪稳定 E. 多数病人不需做肺功能测验 [单选题]某市交警大队以赵某违章停车为由,决定暂扣赵某1个月的驾驶执照。这一行为属于( )。
A.行政强制执行方式 B.行政监督检查 C.行政处罚 D.行政强制措施 [单项选择]在Solaris8下,对于/etc/shadow文件中的一行内容如下:root:3vd4NTwk5UnLC://0:1:Super-User:/:”,以下说法正确的是:()。
A. 是/etc/passwd文件格式 B. 是/etc/shadow文件格式 C. 既不是/etc/passwd也不是/etc/shadow文件格式 D. 这个root用户没有SHELL,不可登录 E. 这个用户不可登录,并不是因为没有SHELL [填空题]It has often been remarked that the saddest thing about youth is that it is wasted on the young. Reading a recent newspaper report on a survey conducted among college freshmen, I recalled the regret,
"If only I knew then what I know now." The survey disclosed what I had already suspected from informal polls of students. According to the survey, which was based on the responses of over 188,000 students, today’s traditional-age college freshmen are" more materialistic and less altruistic". 41. ______. It follows then that today the most popular course is not literature or history but accounting. Interest in teaching, social service and the" altruistic" fields is at a low, along with ethnic and women’s studies. On the other hand, enrollment in business programs, engineering and computer science is way up. 42. ______. Frankly, I’m proud of the young lady (not her attitude but her success). But why can’t we have it both ways Can’t we educate people for life as well [填空题]袢利尿药中,静脉给药维持时间最长的是();口服生物利用度较差的是();结构中不含有磺酰胺基,可以用于对磺胺过敏者的是();最易引起耳毒性,且可发生永久性耳聋的药物是();耳毒性最小,对听力有缺陷及急性肾衰竭者宜选用的药物是()。
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