(46) It is known that the brain shrinks as the body ages, but the effects on mental ability are different from person to person. Interestingly, in a study of elderly men and women, those who had more education actually had more brain shrinkage.
"That may seem like bad news," said study author Dr. Edward Coffey, a professor of psychiatry and of neurology at Henry Ford Health System in Detroit. (47) However, he explained, the finding suggests that education allows people to withstand more brain tissue loss before their mental functioning begins to break down.
The study, published in the July issue of Neurology, is the first to provide biological evidence to support a concept called the "reserve" hypothesis, according to the researchers. In recent years, investigators have developed the idea that people who are more educated have greater cognitive reserves to draw upon as the brain ages; in essence, they have more brain tissue to spa
Anthropologists, psychologists and
others have begun seeking the roots of ambition in family, culture, gender,
genes and more. They have by no means thrown the curtain all the way back, but
they have begun to part it. If humans are an ambitious species, it’s clear we’re not the only one. Many animals are known to signal their ambitious tendencies almost from birth. Even before wolf pups are weaned, they begin sorting themselves out into alphas and all the others. The alphas are quicker, more curious, greedier for space, milk, Mom--and they stay that way for life. Alpha wolves wander widely, breed annually and may live to a geriatric 10 or 11 years old. Lower-ranking wolves enjoy none of these benefits--staying close to home, breeding rarely and usually dying before they’re four. Humans often report the same kind of temperament A. a car and its engine B. one car and another car running after it C. two cars of the same brand D. two engines combined [单选题]油浸式站用变的上层油温不超过( ),温升不超过55K。
A.75℃ B.85℃ C.95℃ D.105℃ [单项选择]破伤风梭菌引起()
A. 毒血症 B. 菌血症 C. 败血症 D. 脓毒血症 E. 内毒素血症 [单选题]《建筑法》规定,( )建筑施工企业超越本企业资质等级的业务范围或者以任何形式用其他建筑施工企 业的名义承揽工程。
A.许可 B.禁止 C.部分许可 D.特殊情况下许可 [判断题](1分) 对于钢印中没有充装气体名称或化学分子式的旧气瓶,应由气瓶检验站补打充装气体名称或化学分子式钢印。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]CRH2型动车组编组间传输不良故障在进行动车组重联操作时才会发生。
[多选题]贷款担保主要是针对( )进行的评估。
A.担保方式 B.担保能力 C.担保资格 D.担保法律文件的完整性 E.担保物 [填空题]少量减压后停车的列车,后部车辆三通阀作用位置不到位,易造成( )不良。为此,应追加减压至( ),使车辆三通阀主活塞两侧压力差( ),动作灵活,避免车辆制动缓解不良的现象发生。
A.区域性水、火电厂的高压母线(高压母线有多回出线) B.在电压监测点中随机选择 C.有大量地方负荷的发电厂母线 D.分区选择母线短路容量较大的220kV变电站母线 [简答题]明代小说繁荣的原因有哪些?
下列文化现象中,属于非意识形态的部分是() A. ①②③④ B. ①③④ C. ①②③ D. ②③④ [判断题]护锥冲毁加固时,如土中含水量大,可在桥头路基旁打木桩防护。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]生产经营单位作出涉及安全生产的经营决策,应当听取( )的意见。
A.安全生产管理机构 B.办公委员会 C.安全生产管理人员 D.班组生产人员 [判断题]监控模块SM的功能有当通信发生中断时,监控模块应能够保存主要告警数据,在通信恢复后,具备将通信中断期间的数据上报功能。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]立、撤杆塔时,禁止基坑内有人。除指挥人及指定人员外,其他人员应在杆塔高度的()倍距离以外。
A.1.1 B.1.2 C.1.3 D.1.4 我来回答: 提交