It is hard to conceive of a language without nouns or verbs. But that is just what Riau Indonesian is, a researcher says at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, in Leipzigstates. Dr. Gil has been studying Riau for the past 12 years. Initially, he says, he struggled with the language, despite being fluent in standard Indonesian. However, a breakthrough came when he realized that what he had been thinking of as different parts of speech were, in fact, grammatically the same. For example, the phrase "the chicken is eating" translating into colloquial Riau is "ayam makan". Literally, the phrase means "chicken eat". But the same pair of words also have meanings as diverse as "the chicken is making somebody eat", or "somebody is eating where the chicken is". There are, he says, no modifiers that distinguish the tenses of verbs. Nor are there modifiers for nouns that distinguish the definite from the indefinite. Indeed
A. disbelief
B. deprecation
C. corroboration
D. ambiguity
四、根据下列文字材料,回答121~125题。 据全球PVC产业研究报告指出,中国将是全球PVC原料需求增长最快的国家,估计在2005年以前,将超过美国目前每年约540万吨的PVC的消费量,成为全球最大的PVC消费国。 据统计,2002年全球PVC消费量2530万吨,其中美国、中国、日本和德国为全球前四大PVC消费国,当年PVC消费量分别为540万吨、423万吨、150万吨及147万吨,占有全球约50%的PVC消费量;如果以每人每年PVC消费量而言,分别为24千克、3.3千克、11.8千克和18千克。过去五年来中国对PVC消费量的年复合增长率达14.5%,预估在2007年以前,中国的PVC或PVC上游原料VCM消费量仍将以每上平均9%的成长率增加,而中国本身PVC产能年增率仅2.7%,数据显示未来几年内中国仍需大量进口PVC原料。 由于中国对PVC需求急速增加,国内规划未来五年内将兴建年产量170万吨的PVC生产线,产能扩张幅度约占全球PVC新增产能的2/3。报告指出,中国对PVC原料的需求主要来自住宅建筑及工程等需求,占PVC总需求量的60%,PVC管的耐用年限高达30年的良好性能使PVC成为重要的工程建设需求原料。