The single most shattering statistic
about life in America in the late 1990s was that tobacco killed more
people than the combined total of those who died from AIDS, car accidents,
alcohol, murder, suicide, illegal drugs and fire. The deaths of more than 400,
000 Americans each year, 160, 000 of them from lung cancer, make a strong case
for the prohibition of tobacco, and particularly of cigarettes. The case, backed
by solid evidence, has been made in every public arena since the early 1950s,
when the first convincing link between smoking and cancer was established in
clinical and epidemiological studies—yet 50 million Americans still go on
smoking. tobacco-related illness. It is a remarkable story, clearly told,
astonishingly well documented and with a transparent moral motif. Most smokers in Americ A. collapsed under the impact of the blow. B. coped with and survived adversity. C. took no notice of the current situation. D. persisted in its old ways. [多项选择]公安政策的内容包括( )
A. 严肃与谨慎相结合的政策;惩办与宽大相结合的政策 B. 依法从重从快惩处严重刑事犯罪分子的政策 C. 重证据,重调查研究,严禁逼供信的政策 D. 教育与处罚相结合的政策 [单项选择]在各类统计法律规范中,具有最高的统计法律效力的是()。
A. 统计法律 B. 统计行政法规 C. 地方性统计法规 D. 统计规范性文件 [单项选择]你是你公司销售部门的电脑管理员,Susan是销售部门的用户。Susan使用一台台式机名为Desktop1和一台便携式电脑名为Portable1,这两台电脑都是WindowsXP专业版系统。Desktop1包含一个共享文件夹名为Sales。当她使用Portable1时,她通过网络来连接Desktop1上的Sales文件夹。当Susan在办公室时,她能使用Portable1访问Sales下的所有文件。然而,她报告说当她旅行时使用Portable1不能访问Sales下的文件。你要确保Susan使用Portable1能脱机的访问Sales下的所有文件,你要怎么做呢?()
A. 在Desktop1设置Sales文件夹的临时文件为永久的保存文件的临时文件,在Portable1,在脱机文件表中选中登陆时同步脱机文件选项 B. 在Desktop1设置Sales文件夹的临时文件为自动的保存文件和程序的临时文件,在Portable1,在脱机文件表中选中登陆时同步脱机文件选项 C. 在Portable1,右击Sales文件夹,并选中脱机可用 D. 在Portable1,右击Sales文件夹,并选中制定网络驱动 [单选题]《电气操作导则》(Q/CSG 125008—2016)第4.1.10条规定:系统运行方式和设备运行状态的变化将影响保护的工作条件或不满足保护的工作原理,从而有可能引起保护误动时,操作之前应提前 ( )这些保护。
A.进入 B.退出 C.增加 D.减少 [单选题]联系用的手信号中,昼间拢起的手信号旗右臂向右方上下摇动,其含义为( )。
A.过标信号 B.要求再度显示信号 C.取消信号 D.告知显示错误信号 [单项选择]对白细胞介素-2有依赖的细胞是()
A. Raji细胞 B. CTLL-2 C. 小鼠T细胞肿瘤细胞 D. 人肺癌细胞 E. D10G4.1 [填空题] Kofi Annan says helping survivors of last week’’s earthquake and (1)________in the Indian Ocean is (2)________. The United Nations secretary-general says countries that have offered aid must (3)________and provide it. The offers add up to around (4)________dollars. United Nations officials say (5) ________of that is needed during the next six months.
The concern about offers of international aid is (6)________. For example, the earthquake in Bam, Iran, in (7)________of 2003 killed more than (8) ________people. Countries and groups offered hundreds of millions of dollars (9) ________. The United Nations says it has (10)________only about (11)________dollars in aid received so far. Governments and organizations that offered help (12) ________that, however.
On (13)________Mr. Annan met with world leaders in Jakarta, Indonesia to discuss aid for (14)________. The leaders discussed and (15)________the idea of (16)________owed by affected nations. But the leaders did not say th
[单选题]《铁路交通事故应急救援和调查处理条例》于2007年( )月1日起施行。
A.4 B.6 C.9 D.12 [判断题]劳务工须经培训合格后方可持证上道作业,并必须由正式职工带领。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]确认与验证方案应当经过()和批准。
A. 复核 B. 讨论 C. 审核 D. 起草 我来回答: 提交