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One key answer to the problem of finding and keeping customers -- and turning their good will into sales -- is having good customer relationship management (CRM). CRM’s goal is to create a cooperation among sales, marketing, and customer-service activities within an organization in order to obtain and retain customers. CRM on the Internet -- e-CRM -- uses Web technology to create such a cooperation.
E-CRM means different things to different companies. Some enter e-CRM through traditional contact-management and sales-force automation software from such vendors as Gold Mine Software Corp. or Interact Commerce Corp. Many companies see e-CRM as a natural extension of their call centers. In an ideal system, historical information, such as customers’buying preferences, or circumstantial information, such as customer-contract volumes, can launch actions and data screens. Finally, companies with corporate enterprise resource planning (ERP) system
A. getting and keeping customers and thus promoting sales.
B. controlling the activities of sales, marketing and customer service.
C. taking advantage of the web technology to improve business performance.
D. enhancing their competitive ability and upgrading their customer service.
2010年我国各类高等教育统计 (单位:万人、%) | ||||||
教育类别 | 招生数 | 增长率 | 在校生数 | 增长率 | 毕业生数 | 增长率 |
高等教育研究生 | 53.82 | 5.33 | 153.84 | 9.50 | 38.36 | 3.31 |
普通高等教育本专科 | 661.76 | 3.48 | 2231.79 | 4.06 | 575.42 | 8.34 |
成人高等教育本专科 | 208.43 | 3.45 | 536.04 | 1.00 | 197.29 | 1.49 |
For years, doctors have given cancer
patients three main treatments: surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Now
researchers are developing a fourth weapon: the patient’s own immune system. New
vaccines and drugs can stimulate the production of an army of cells and
antibodies that kill cancer cells. Drug-vaccine therapy may lie lifesaver for Deerfield man. Few people survive advanced melanoma, but immune therapy is giving Deerfield resident Douglas Parker a fighting chance. The 46-year-old salesman noticed a mole on his chest A. surgery B. radiation C. chemotherapy D. immune therapy [单选题]494.中耕除草应选在(),且土壤不过分潮湿的时候进行。
A.晴朗或初晴天气 B.阴天 C.雨天 D.任何天气 [单选题]对于大多数设备管理人员和现场操作人员,由于不参与设备的前期管理,和他们最直接相关的还是设备的( )和维修工作。
A.日常使用 B.日常运输 C.日常清扫 D.日常维护 [判断题]县级以上人民政府统计机构和有关部门不得组织实施营利性统计调查 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]引起蕈样霉菌病的病原体是
A. 疱疹病毒 B. Ⅱ型人T细胞病毒 C. 毛霉菌 D. 结核杆菌 E. 曲菌 [判断题]建设单位收到工程验收报告后,应由建设单位项目负责人组织监理、施工、设计、勘察等单位项目负责人进行单位工程验收。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]大隐静脉剥脱术后弹力绷带一般维持包扎时间
A.3天 B.1周左右 C.2周左右 D.3周左右 E.4周以上 [判断题]室内的高压设备发生接地时,巡视人员应距离故障点8m以外。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]碳二加氢反应器开车时,为减少乙烯损失,控制最为关键的参数是( )。
A.反应温度 B.反应压力 C.氢炔比 D.CO含量 [单项选择]女性,31岁。因低热、乏力、月经不调2月就医。胸部X线摄片见右下叶背段团块状影伴透亮区。为判断本例结核病的活动性,下列哪条最有意义()
A. X线示浸润性病变 B. X线上有空洞存在 C. 血沉增高 D. 临床症状 E. 痰结核杆菌检查阳性 [判断题]变换指挥位置,通常用齐步,进到预定的位置后,成立正姿势下达口令。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交