The seriously depressed person sees
himself in a very negative way. He is sure that he is alone and hopeless. He
often blames himself for ordinary faults and shortcomings which he exaggerates.
He is very discouraged about himself, the world, and his future. He becomes less
interested in what is going on around him and doesn’t get satisfaction from
things he used to enjoy. Fatigue and early morning sleeplessness are quite
common. The depressed person may want to sleep more than usual. He may lose his
appetite and lose weight or eat more than normally and gain weight. Another
particular sign, seen in women is crying spells. Many of these spells are short
and common. Some depressive illness may not show the usual signs of moody sadness and hopelessness. In these cases, the potential depression may mask itself as physical discomfor A. The depressed person has false ideas because of his feeling of loss. B. Depressives think in general that they have lost something very important to them. C. The number of death from suicide is larger among women than among men. D. Crying spells in women is perhaps a sign of depression. [单选题]>矫直压下量与轧制压下量是( )。
A.同一个概念 B.相似的两个概念 C.绝对不同的两个概念 [单选题]无缝线路地段,发现固定区累计位移量大于( )时应及时上报工务段查明原因,采取相应措施。
A.10MM B.20MM C.30MM D.40MM [单项选择]脱绳事故是指重物从捆绑的吊装绳索中脱落溃散而发生的伤亡毁坏事故,下列造成脱绳事故的主要原因中不包括的是( )。
A. 超载起吊拉断钢丝绳 B. 吊装重心选择不当 C. 吊载遭到碰撞、冲击而摇摆不定 D. 重物的捆绑方法和要领不当 [单选题]下列哪一典故与《庄子》无关?()
A.鹏程万里 B.庖丁解牛 C.庄生梦蝶 D.刻舟求剑 [单选题]1.23新能源汽车专用号牌中,字母"D"代表_____。
A.纯电动汽车 B.插电式混合动力汽车 C.燃料电池汽车 D.非纯电动汽车 [判断题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》(铁总运〔2016〕247号)规定,普速站台客运人员组织旅客按车厢位置在站台安全线内排队等候,列车停稳后先下后上、有序乘降。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]安全生产工作的( )原则是指企业的生产组织领导者必须在计划.布置.检查.总结.评比生产工作的同时进行计划.布置.检查.总结.评比安全工作。它要求把安全工作落实到每一个生产组织管理环节中去。
A. “四不放过” B.“四不伤害” C. “五同时” D.“三并重” [单选题]139、填写“路产赔偿、清障服务专用票据”时,应按照票据号码顺序填写,填写必须真实、准确、完整、清晰,不得涂改、挖补或撕毁,作废票据应整套保存,及时加盖()。
A.A、财务专用章 B.B、公司专用章 C.C、报销专用章 D.D、作废专用章 [单项选择]“赏不可不平,罚不可不均”。这是指管理者、统治者要赏罚严明,善于通过奖赏和惩罚这两种手段,来达到鼓励先进,鞭策后进,提高绩效的目的。从管理学的角度来看,这里所强调的内容是()。
A. “木桶原理” B. 公平原则 C. 激励效应 D. 平等原则 [判断题]救援人员穿着急流专用救生衣,应通过个人自查、队员间互查和入水前安全员复查等方式反复检查。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]暂态地电压检测数据的测量量程正确的是( )
A.5-50dBmV B.20-80dBmV C.0-60dBmV D.0-65dBmV 我来回答: 提交