将甲和第(3)小题的处理对比研究,得出的结论是:正常子房发育成果实需要的()来自()。 As recently as 50 years ago, economists
regarded the vitality of the economy as its ability to produce things people
want (and would pay for ). Today, the economy has been redefined into something
called the Gross Domestic Product, or GDP. It measures all goods and services
brought to market ia a given year: But is it really an accurate measure of how
well an economy is serving people’ s needs Here are some outlandish ways the
GDP can be boosted. Things Kids Can Do. Get sick. Constant medical attention is good for the GDP. Medical costs account for 14 percent of it. Let’s stay on the growth curve. Kids can commit crimes. If they get arrested, they go to jail, the expensiveness of which gives the economy a push. Things Adults Can Do. Get a divorce. Legal costs, two houses, and all the things that A. be compensated by insurance company B. get divorced C. face accusation D. create jobs for others [单选题](38159)遇有雨天禁止露天电焊作业,如遇紧急生产必须作业时,其作业人员必须穿戴( )并采取遮雨措施后,方可作业。(1.0分)
A.绝缘手套 B.绝缘鞋 C.绝缘鞋.绝缘手套 D.雨衣 [单选题]1岁男孩,腹泻3天,加重2天,于2006年11月就诊。黄色水样便,每日10余次,量多,无霉臭味和腥臭味,伴低热、呕吐,尿量明显减少1天。查体:精神萎靡,呈嗜睡状,方颅、枕秃,前囟2.Ocm,前囟、眼窝明显凹陷,皮肤弹性差,可见花纹,手脚凉,脉搏弱,心音低钝,双肺(-),腹较胀,肠鸣音正常,肝脾不大。粪常规白细胞l~2个/HP,血钠:125mmol/L,血钾3.6rmnol/L。施行液体疗法,第一天补液的总量应是每千克体重
A. 30~60ml B. 70~100ml C. 110~140ml D. 150~180ml E. 190~220ml [单选题]不属于油剂选用原则的一项是( )。
A.A、要能满足纤维可纺性的要求,纺纱过程中不塞、不绕、不粘并有优良的抱合力 B.B、价钱便宜,节能降耗 C.C、要有一定的抗静电效应,能尽量减少静电现象的产生 D.D、油剂乳化液的稳定性要好,存放24小时不分层 [单选题]运行屏内进行电缆施工时,应设专人监护,做好()遮挡。
A.金属外壳 B.运行设备 C.带电部分 D.带电设备 [单选题]AG001潜油泵用符号( )表示。