Time | ______ [11] | 2002 |
Purpose | To test how honest the US public officials are. | To recover from a serious ______ [12] scandal. |
City | Miami | Los Angeles |
Number of wallets | ______ [13] | 20 |
What’s in the wallets | Not mentioned. | various amounts of cash, names, addresses and phone numbers. |
Result | Only 21 wallets were turned in, and two of them were without cash. A number of officers were fired or took early ______ [14] after the report. | Not a ______ [15] was missing from the wal [单选题]港澳同胞驾驶机动车辆来内地,驾驶人员须向( )出入境管理处申请驾驶港澳车辆来往内地的许可。
A.罗湖公安分局或者拱北公安分局 B.深圳市公安局或者珠海市公安局 C.广东省公安厅 D.公安部 [单选题] 等电位带电作业一般在()及以上电压等级的电力线路和电气设备上进行。
A.10kV、±100kV B.66kV、±125kV C.66kV、±100kV D.10kV、±125kV [判断题]使用单位应将《市场营销烟出库单》、《市场营销烟入库单》、《市场营销烟库存报表》和《市场营销烟盘存表》按月整理归档。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列哪项对飞机阻力大小影响不大?( )
A.飞行速度、空气密度、机翼面积 B.飞机的翼型和平面形状 C.飞机的安装角和上反角 [单项选择]患者男,67岁,久咳气逆,阵阵发作。痰少质黏,咳引胸胁疼痛。口燥咽干,舌苔薄黄少津,脉象弦数,其治法宜用
A. 养阴清肝,化痰止咳 B. 清肺化痰,宣肃肺气 C. 清肺润燥,化痰止咳 D. 清肺泻肝,化痰止咳 E. 滋阴润肺,清肝止咳 [多选题]百日安全周期是指地市级单位和县级单位、电力调度机构连续无事故和无责任事件()的天数累计达到100天时,记为一个百日安全周期。
A.A.一级 B.B.二级 C.C.三级 D.D.四级 [单项选择]患儿女,4岁,因食用隔夜的小白菜后1小时出现头晕、呕吐。查体:口唇及甲床明显青紫,呼吸30次/min,轻度三凹征,双肺呼吸音清晰,心率110次/min,心前区未闻及明显杂音。此患儿青紫的原因是()
A. 休克致组织缺氧 B. 呼吸衰竭致组织缺氧 C. 心脏右向左分流致组织缺氧 D. 血红蛋白被氧化为高铁血红蛋白而致组织缺氧 E. 形成碳氧血红蛋白而致组织缺氧 [多选题]《金融违法行为处罚办法》规定,金融机构办理存款业务,不得有下列( )行为。
A.擅自提高利率或者变相提高利率,吸收存款 B.明知或者应知是单位资金,而允许以个人名义开立账户存储 C.擅自开办新的存款业务种类 D.吸收存款不符合中国人民银行规定的客户范围、期限和最低限额 E.违反规定为客户多头开立账户 [单项选择]
Doctors say anger can be an extremely damaging emotion unless you learn how to deal with it. They warn that angry feelings can (56) heart disease, stomach (57) , headaches, and (58) cancer. Anger is a normal (59) that all feel (60) . Some people express anger (61) in a calm,reasonable way. Some people (62) with anger and scream and yell. But other people keep their anger (63) . They can not or will not (64) it. This is called repressing anger. (65) years many doctors thought that (66) anger was more dangerous to a person’s (67) than expressing it. Doctors said that (68) the feeling to express the anger only makes the feeling (69) . And this can lead to many (70) problems. Doctors thought a person could (71) these problems by telling the anger (72) , by expressing it freely. But recently some doctors (73) this. They sa [多选题]下列关于无齿锯使用要求的表述中,正确的是( ).
A.在操作中必须配戴好头盔、护镜、手套和防护服。 B.开始切割作业时,应逐渐提高锯片转速,缓慢平稳切入,不得强压锯片切入 C.切割时必须按直线移动,以免损伤锯片。 D.保持适当的工作距离,禁止超过肩高使用无齿锯, [判断题]点火时间过迟或混合气过稀不会造成水温过高。(难)( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]点烟器分支器(金正1698) 单位 个 零售价( )
A.16.00 B.33.0 我来回答: 提交