Imagine fishermen walking down to the
seashore, ready to carry out their early morning routine of preparing their
boats and net. (1) they hope for a good catch of fish. But
to their (2) , a horrible sight meets their still sleepy
eyes. Thousands of fish have washed (3) dead. The cause of
this mass destruction A red tide! Red tides are a global (4) . They have been observed on both the Atlantic and the Pacific coasts of the United States and Canada. They have also (5) in many other places. Though relatively few people are (6) them, red tides are not new. In the Philippines, a red tide was first seen in the province of Bataan in 1908. Since then, red tides have been seen in many other (7) . A Philippines red tide expert told us that " (8) the fish kills, the Philippi A. As a result B. As it is C. As expected D. As usual [单选题]高处作业,除有关人员外,他人不得在工作地点的下面通行或逗留,工作地点下面应()。
A.有遮栏(围栏)或装设其他保护装置 B.有遮栏 C.有围栏 D.装设其他保护装置 E.略 F.略 [判断题]营销系统中档案新增、变更用户数量与现场实际新增、变更用户数量不相符,导致用户电能表存在跨台区用电,造成抄表失败或电量统计错误,台区呈现长期高损情况。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于正常菌群,以下叙述不正确的是
A.有生物拮抗作用 B.具有营养作用 C.促进机体免疫 D.与生长和衰老有关 E.对人体无害,任何情况下均不致病 [填空题]20世纪前的经济地理研究,大致可分为三个研究阶段。分别为(),(),()。
A.因此喝橙汁是补充维生素C的好办法 B.酸梅汤清热消暑,生津止渴,在清代还曾是宫廷御用饮品 C.上班族可以多饮用红茶,以减轻电脑辐射对人体的伤害 D.市场上常见的碳酸饮料,都会添加适量的防腐剂 [判断题] 信访接待人要尽量多说话,表明自己的态度。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]限制短路电流的措施有(____)。
A.优化电网结构、简化电网接线和电源接入方案 B.提高电压等级 C.采用高阻抗升压变压器 D.变电站采用母线分段运行 [单项选择]系统取决于人们对( )的观察方式,人们可以把一个建设项目视为一个系统,也可以把多个相互有关联的建设项目视为一个系统。
A. 建设项目 B. 组织观念 C. 客观事物 D. 组织设计 [判断题]( )对电力系统进行无功补偿可提高功率因素。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]关于土的密度试验请回答以下问题。(2)下列属于土的密度试验的有( )。
A.环刀法 B.蜡封法 C.灌砂法 D.灌水法 [单项选择]DVOR的场地要求以天线为中心,半径()米内不得有建筑物。
A. 50 B. 100 C. 150 D. 300 我来回答: 提交