The role of women in Britain has changed a lot in this century, (56) in the last twenty years. The main change has been (57) giving women greater equality with men. (58) to the beginning of this century, women seem to have had (59) rights. They could not vote and were kept at home. (60) , as far as we know, most women were happy (61) this situation. Today, women in Britain certainly (62) more rights than they used to. They were (63) the vote in 1919. In 1970 a law was passed to give them an equal (64) of wealth in the case of divorce, (65) the Equal Pay Act gave them the right (66) equal pay with men for work of equal value in the same year. Yet (67) these changes, there are still great difference in status between men and women. Many employers seem to (68) the Equal Pay Act, and the average working women is (69) to earn only about half (70) a man earns for the same job. (7
A. By
B. On
C. Over
D. Up
Text{{/B}} There was a time when parents who wanted an educational present for their children would buy a typewriter, a globe or an encyclopedia set (一套百科全书). Now those {{U}} (26) {{/U}} seem hopelessly old-fashioned: this Christmas, there was a lot of {{U}} (27) {{/U}} computers under the tree.{{U}} (28) {{/U}} that computers are their key to success, parents are also frantically insisting that children {{U}} (29) {{/U}} taught to use them in school--as early as possible. The problem for schools is that when it {{U}} (30) {{/U}} computers, parents don’t always know best. Many schools are {{U}} (31) {{/U}} parental impatience and are purchasing hardware {{U}} (32) {{/U}} sound educational planning, so they can say, "OK, we’ve moved into the computer age." Teachers {{U}} (3 A. items B. toys C. sets D. series [多项选择]某股份公司在向证监会申请其股票上市 的文件中反映以下情况,其中______符合上市的条件。
A. 股票经核准向社会公开发行 B. 股本总额不少于8000万元 C. 股本总额不少于5000万元 D. 公司开业三年以上,公司最近二年连续盈利 [填空题]客运值班员上下行末班车到前_____()____,提示站务员做好进站乘客宣传工作,并与值班站长分别在____()___立岗;待末班车驶离本站后,前往站厅协助站务员检查并确保出站乘客出闸完毕,在SC上执行______()______;确认站内无乘客滞留,关闭出入口卷帘门。站务员待末班车驶离本站,检查并确保出站乘客出闸完毕,站厅、站台无乘客滞留后,退出BOM,关闭客服中心。(1.0分)
A. “知之愈明,则行之愈笃” B. “行听乎知” C. “知之不若行之” D. “能知必能行” [单项选择]经营出境旅游业务的旅行社须向旅游行政管理部门交纳质量保证金( )万元。
A. 10 B. 30 C. 60 D. 100 [多项选择]助理人员为了验证Q公司已登记入账的销售业务的真实性, 比较有效的方法有( )。
A. 检查已入账的销货交易记录清单是否重号或缺号 B. 从主营业务收入明细账追查至与销货分录相应的销货审批单 C. 追查至应收账款明细账中借方发生额的记录 D. 从主营业务收入明细账追查至发运凭证及其他佐证凭证 [单选题]在限速地段调车作业时,遇有小于 ()km/h的限速(线路允许速度除外)地段时,车站值班员应立即将限速地段、限速时间、限速值通知调车领导人。
A.30 B.40 C.50 D.55 [多选题]高压触电可采用下列方法之一使触电者脱离电源。( )
A.立即通知有关供电单位或用户停电 B.戴上绝缘手套,穿上绝缘靴,用相应电压等级的绝缘工具按顺序拉开电源开关或熔断器 C.抛掷裸金属线使线路短路接地,迫使保护装置动作,断开电源 D.如果触电地点附近没有电源开关或电源插座(头),可用有绝缘柄的电工钳或有干燥木柄的斧头 切断电线,断开电源。 [单选题]我国货币政策的目标是(),并以此促进经济增长。
A.保持币值稳定 B.实现充分就业 C.保持利率稳定 D.保持汇率稳定 [多选题]客户凭证作废/销号交易,说法正确的有()
A.销户时联动作废/销号客户账号下所有未使用的凭证 B.只支持操作对公账户的凭证 C.单独进行凭证作废处理时,凭证必须是未使用状态 D.根据客户凭证实物“是否缴回”,区分不同的收回作废和未收回作废两种状态 [单选题]从逻辑功能上讲,下面( )设备属于主机部分
A.硬盘 B.CPU C.软盘 D.显示器 我来回答: 提交