Kidnappings around the world have typically had one
of two major goals: publicity for a local political cause or as a form of
"fund-raising" for the kidnappers. Recently, kidnappings for political reasons
have been on the decrease, whereas kidnapping for profit has seen a dramatic
increase. A prime example of this trend is in Colombia. Colombia is considered to be the kidnapping capital of the world, with rival guerrilla and paramilitary groups consistently abducting civilians--including businessmen, tourists and aid workers. The ransom money obtained from these activities is used primarily to finance a 37 year civil war in Colombia. The U.S. State Department estimates that more than 3,000 people are kidnapped in Colombia each year. Most kidnap victims are Colombians who are either wealthy or who can at l A. Because they are unfriendly to other people. B. Because they live overseas or travel internationally in a large number each year.. C. Because they are indeed the richest people in the world. D. Because they manage most of the insurance and security companies. [判断题]在我行存取款机上可以受理对公存款业务。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]KMIS系统中“客车调度管理分系统”-“调度命令KMIS”模块下“车统36”具有( )功能。
A.查询所有编组的历史信息 B.维护基础运行图信息 C.检修通知单(临修、段修、厂修) D.检修修竣单(临修、段修、厂修 [判断题] 更换道岔尖轨、辙叉、护轨、基本轨及更换伤损钢轨为二级维修项目。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]火灾扑灭后,发生火灾的单位和相关人员应当按照公安机关消防机构的要求保护现场,接受事故调查,如实提供与火灾有关的情况。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列关于参数化描述正确的是()
A. 参数化就是指对尺寸标注进行参数化处理 B. 参数化是UGNX独有的特点 C. 是使用“关联性约束”来定义和修改几何模型 D. 参数化设计使设计过程变的更加复杂 [多选题]休克复苏的标准是()
A.脉搏可触及 B.收缩压达80~90mmHg C.平均脉压在50~60mmHg D.皮温由冰冷变得温暖 E.意识状况好转 [多选题]消防指挥员要赢得灭火救援的主动权,科学有效的组织好灭火救援行动,应熟悉( )。
A.消防救援队伍的力量构成 B.不同展开模式的作战能力 C.不同灾情态势的作战方式 D.不同应用装备的应用优势 E.灭火救援中的战术运用 [单选题]装、拆接地线,应做好记录,交接班时应( )。
A.A.重新记录 B.B.汇报领导 C.C.重新拆接 D.D.交待清楚 我来回答: 提交