Early to bed, early to rise, makes a
man healthy, wealthy (富有的) and wise (聪明的). This is an old English saying. Have you ever heard it before It means that we must go to bed early and get up early in the morning. Then we shall be healthy, and we shall also be rich and clever. This is true. The body must have enough sleep to be healthy. Children at young ages should have ten hours’ sleep every night. Children who do not have enough sleep can not do their work very well. They will not be clever and they may not become rich. The body also needs exercise. Walking, running, jumping, swimming and playing games are all exercise. Exercise keeps the body strong. Exercise also helps the blood (血液) to move around inside the body. This is very important. Our blood takes food to all parts of our body. The head also needs blood. Exercise helps us to think [多项选择]事业单位对财政直接支付方式购置固定资产的账务处理,涉及的会计科目有( )。
A. 经费支出 B. 事业支出 C. 固定基金 D. 财政补助收入 [判断题]临时用电期间,用户应设专人看管临时用电设施,使用完及时拆除。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]判断呼吸有无,时间不能少于( )
A.2-3秒 B.5-10秒 C.10秒以上 [多选题] 应认真复核审批链条的真实性、合规性、完整性,确保用印文件要素与审批内容完全一致。
A.真实性 B.合规性 C.完整性 D.正确性 [判断题]ZD6系列道岔动作杆与齿条块的轴向移位量和圆周方向的转动量均≤0.5mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]《东轩笔记》是由()所作。
A. 释惠洪 B. 魏泰 C. 王安国 D. 吕惠卿 [判断题]《行规》第55条规定:进入岔线、段管线、货物线大门(界标)前,事先已派人检查且确认大门已敞开挂牢后,根据检查人员的“好了信号”可不停车。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]赵某教唆李某杀死王某,李某于深夜潜入王某家杀害王某,后因抢救及时,王某脱离生命危险。本案中,对赵某可以从轻或减轻处罚。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]清创术适用于新鲜创伤的伤口。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]CTCS-2列控系统车站入口处的有源应答器的信息丢失时,由于没有临时限速信息,此后机车无法以大于NBP为( )的速度运行。322000000
A.20km/h B.30km/h C.40km/h D.50km/h [判断题]没有活动的QC小组是无生命力的,有存在的必要。
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