(一) 王某等6人与陈某订立书面合伙协议,共同投资开办一家合伙企业,陈某为执行合伙企业事务的合伙人。实际经营两年后,当地群众向国税局举报,县国税局稽查局依法检查发现,7人开办的该合伙企业既未办理税务登记也未申报纳税。并且大量使用非法购买的发票。于是,县国税局稽查局决定令其补交税款并缴纳滞纳金,并派人扣押了一批电器设备。后来县国税局稽查局又依法定程序对其进行罚款的决定。王某等人认为补缴税款、接受罚款即可,不同意复议或起诉。但陈某不服,认为主管国税分局未尽有关通知义务,县国税局稽查局补交税款决定无事实根据,并且认为,稽查局无权罚款。 |
The world is full of new horrors and
there’s no place to hide. Who says so Disaster psychologists, for a start. They
are the people who take in the big picture of our collective reactions to
human-created disaster, the ways these reactions are caused, and our coping
mechanisms. And research into disaster psychology is growing fast. Among the big issues being addressed by these researchers are understanding the terrorists’ weapons, assessing the full impact of terrorism—and, crucially, working out which psychological approaches actually work. It’s a deeply controversial area. Take the work of Dennis Embry as an example. He argues that we have overlooked the obvious. the purpose of terrorism is to create terror. This works best "if the very symbols of everyday life become conditioned fear and anxiety stimulant". The top targe A. avoid human-created disasters B. cope with human reactions to disasters C. reduce the worst natural disasters D. prevent growing terrorism [单项选择]Questions 9 and 10 are based on the following news. At the end of
the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the two
Now listen to the news. Mr. Bono was all time following except______. A. a press secretary B. an entertainer C. a congressman D. a popular singer [多选题]下列各项特性哪一项是结构的动力特性?()
A.固有频率 B.固有振型 C.阻尼系数 D.动力的大小和方向 [判断题]《关于规范双管供风旅客列车总风系统漏风客运应急处置流程的通知》(客管电〔2016〕122号),运行途中,遇双管供风旅客列车总风系统漏风时,列车长第一次接到车辆乘务员通知锁闭二分之一厕所。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]凝汽器的中间支持管板有什么作用?
[单选题]交流电流表、电压表指示的数值是( )。
A.A.平均值 B.B.最大值 C.C.有效值 D.D.最小值 [单选题]下列哪项是需求提报管理中的功能( )
A.设计批复下达 B.编制成果上传 C.设计成果上传 D.上传初步方案 我来回答: 提交