Despite ongoing negotiations with its
unions, United Airlines has told the bankruptcy court that the "likely result"
will be a decision to terminate all of its pension plans. That would precipitate the biggest pension default in history, more than twice the size of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation default in 2002. The move is expected to destabilize the already struggling airline industry, prompting other old-line carriers like Delta to eventually follow suit to maintain competitiveness. It would also put additional pressure on the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC), the federal agency that insures traditional pensions in case companies go belly up. It’s already facing more than a $9 billion shortfall. A default by United would saddle it with an additional $ 8.4 billion in unfunded obligations. If other airlines follow, the PBGC may have to A. It’s incumbent on individuals to be well informed, prudent about their investments, and to save accordingly. B. To plead for social support against corporate greed. C. To start another job on the side. D. To see the big picture and help yourself. [名词解释]易位
[单选题]配电作业现场系指( )kV及以下配电网中的架空线路、电缆线路及其附属设备和( )kV及以下配电网中的配电站、开闭所、箱式变电站、柱上变压器、柱上开关(包括柱上断路器、柱上负荷开关)、环网单元、电缆分支箱,以及低压配电箱、计量箱、充电桩等范围内进行工作的作业现场。
A.6,6 B.10,10 C.20,20 D.35,35 [单选题]ZZG 发生溢流后应要求( )方内关井。
A. 1; B. 2; C. 3; D.5。 [判断题]社会救助是社会成员自觉自愿帮助有特殊困难或需要的公民的一种社会保障制度。 ( )
A.米蓝喜欢歌手周某的歌 B.王涛不在该咨询公司工作 C.贺宇在该咨询公司工作 D.丽莎不在该咨询公司工作 [单选题]( )是确定线路有效长起止点标志之一。
A.轨道电路 B.脱轨器 C.信号表示器 D.警冲标 [单选题]综合录井仪绞车传感器标定,从最小值到最大值(正转),再从最大值到最小值(反
转),()计数相同。()[1分] A.周期 B.脉冲 C.行程 D.圈数 [单选题]以下有关使用滴耳剂的叙述中,对患者最有指导性的是
A.一定要滴入外耳道 B.如果耳聋或耳道不通,不宜应用 C.注意不要将滴管触及耳道的壁或边缘 D.将头侧向一边,患耳朝上,滴入药物 E.连续用药3日,患耳仍然疼痛,应停用,并及时去医院就诊 我来回答: 提交