Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great
many people.Shy people are anxious and self-conscious; that is, they are
excessively concerned with their own appearance and actions.Worrying thoughts
are constantly occurring in their minds: "What kind of impression am I making Do
they like me Do I sound stupid Am I wearing unattractive clothes ” It is obvious that uncomfortable feelings must affect people.A person’s self- concept is reflected in the way he or she behaves, and the way a person behaves affects other people’s reactions.In general, the way people think about themselves has a profound effect on all areas of their lives. Shy people, having low self-esteem, are likely to be passive and easily influenced by others.They need reassurance that they are doing"the right thing".Shy people are very sensitive to criti A. the questions in the minds of shy people B. the urgent need tO overcome shyness C. the cause of much unhappiness for many people D. the effects of shyness and the way to overcome it 热门试题: [单项选择]以下说法错误的是()
A. 肺动静脉瘘多见于20~30岁发病,而肺隔离症多见于老人 B. 肺动静脉瘘供血动脉一般为肺动脉,引流静脉为肺静脉,而肺隔离症是有主动脉分支供应 C. 肺动静脉瘘要与肺内结节、肿块鉴别 D. 肺动静脉瘘常可合并肺外其他部位动静脉畸形,引起毛细血管扩张 E. 肺隔离症需与肺囊肿、肺肿瘤鉴别 [判断题]带电断开低压导线时,应先断开零,后断开相线(火线)线。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]影响社区⼈群健康的主要因素包括
A. ⾏为⽣活⽅式 B. ⽣物因素 C. 卫⽣服务系统 D. ⼈⼝密度 E. 环境因素 [多项选择]企业报废一台机器设备,设备的账面原值4万元,累计折旧3万元,残体变价收入1.5万元,清理费用0.6万元,应交税金0.2万元。结转固定资产出售净损益的会计分录所涉及的账户为( )。
A. 待处理财产损益 B. 营业外支出 C. 固定资产清理 D. 营业外收入 [单项选择]和金黄色葡萄球菌共同培养有卫星现象的是()
A. 流感嗜血杆菌 B. 百日咳鲍特菌 C. 嗜肺军团菌 D. 肺炎克雷伯菌 E. 结核分枝杆菌 [单选题]在进站道岔上封锁施工,对区间方向,以关闭的进站信号机防护;对车站方向,施工地点距邻近道岔不足()时,在邻近道岔基本轨接头处设置移动停车信号牌(灯)防护,将有关道岔扳向不能通往施工地点的位置,并加锁或紧固。
A.20m B.30m C.40m D.50m [多选题]工作地点,应停电的设备包括:带电部分在作业人员(),且无可靠安全措施的设备。
A.前面 B.后面 C.两侧 D.上下 [判断题]在蒸汽透平转子的动叶流通内,蒸汽的动能和热能转换为机械能,并通过转子传递出去。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]为防止高处坠落,禁止在<--NRC-->及以上大风时进行登高作业。
[单项选择]Many successful business executives do not follow the standard method for problem solving in business. Typically, business schools teach their students to first clarify goals, assess the problem, formulate options and estimate the chances of success before making a decision. Conversely, many real world business decisions are made based on what some senior executives call intuition (直觉). They use hunches (预感) and educated guesses to manage large global companies where different departments, networks of information, and complex chains of command force today’s manager to integrate action into the process of analysis.
Historically, business writers have recognized that some managers rely heavily on intuition. For the most part, however, business writers and the faculty at business schools often display a poor grasp of what intuition is and how it is used. Instead, they see it as the opposite of rationality. More recent research, however, demonstrates that executive intuition A. the traditional strategy of problem solving will be totally abandoned by future managers B. fewer executives will use traditional decision making strategies as multi-national companies develop C. senior executives will be the ones who will regard the company as a big picture D. traditional decision-making strategies will do harm to globalization [单项选择]人体正常体温一般是()
A. 36~37℃ B. 35~37℃ C. 36.5~37.5℃ D. 36~38℃ E. 35~36℃ [单项选择]患者女39岁,头痛时作,痛连项背,恶风畏寒,遇风尤剧,口不渴,苔薄白,脉浮,宜选()
A. 郁金 B. 延胡索 C. 没药 D. 牛膝 E. 川芎 [简答题]家庭宽带业务客户服务流程主要内容
[判断题]荷电状态SOC(State Of Charge)电池已用容量与总容量百分比
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]数高技-IP协议属于七层协议中( )层。
A.数据链路层 B.传输层 C.网络层 D.软件层 [填空题]java.io包中有一个类同时实现了DataInput接口和DataOutput接口,这个类是 【8】 。
[单项选择]When it comes to the slowing economy, Ellen Spero isn’’ t biting her nails just yet. But the 47- year-old manicurist isn’’ t cutting, filing or polishing as many nails as she’’ d like to, either. Most of her clients spend $12 to $50 weekly, but last month two longtime customers suddenly stopped showing up. Spero blames the softening economy. "I’’ m a good economic indicator," she says. "I provide a service that people can do without when they’’ re concerned about saving some dollars." So Spero is downscaling, shopping at middle-brow Dillard’’ s department store near her suburban Cleveland home, instead of Neiman Marcus. "I don’’ t know if other clients are going to abandon me, too," she says.
Even before Alan Greenspan’’ s admission that America’’ s red-hot economy is cooling, lots of working folks had already seen signs of the slowdown themselves. From car dealerships to Gap outlets, sales have been lagging for months as shoppers temper their spending. For retailers, who last yea
A. They would benefit in certain ways. B. The stock market shows signs of recovery. C. Such a slowdown usually precedes a boom. D. The purchasing power would be enhanced. [单选题]定期站台票为不记名式,有效期为()。
A.半年 B.1年 C.1个月 D.3个月 [单选题]1948年1月1日在香港正式成立的民主党派是( )
A.中国民主同盟 B.中国民主建国会 C.中国民主促进会 D.中国国民党革命委员会 [单选题]根据现行有关规定,我国目前使用的安全色中的( ),表示禁止、停止,也代表防火。
A.A红色 B.B黄色 C.C绿色 [判断题]当发现危及行车安全的设备隐患时,可不受天窗限制,立即按规定办理要点手续,克服设备隐患。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 扑救相互毗连的大型商场火灾时,力量部署应以( )为主,并设立第二道防线。(易)
A. 下风方向 B. 上风方向 C. 重要目标 D. 蔓延方向 [单选题]凡是能与空气中的氧或其他氧化剂起化学反应的物质,不论是气体、液体还是固体,也不论是金属还是非金属、无机物或是有机物,均称为()。
A.着火源 B.可燃物 C.助燃物 D.易燃物 [多选题]各机构有下列情形的,总行业务管理部门将进行通报批评;情节严重,造成严重不良后果的,按照我行员工违规违纪处理规定等追究相应责任()。
A.未按规定合理处置账户开立、变更异常情形 B.未按规定报送账户异常交易行为 C.未按规定开展账户开立、变更数量监测、交易监测 D.发现重大账户风险未及时报告 E.对于共享风险信息未予重视导致风险蔓延 F.对于共享风险信息予以重视且阻断风险产生 [多项选择]流行性腮腺炎可能出现的并发症包括()
A. 病毒性脑炎 B. 心肌炎 C. 乳腺炎 D. 附睾炎 E. 胰腺炎 [判断题]增援时,应当积极主动,根据已方侦察情况,增援车辆可以直接驶入现场停靠。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]19.链球菌肺炎首选抗生素是
A.氨苄青霉素 B.青霉素 C.红霉素 D.链霉素 E.庆大霉素 [单项选择]
A. insist B. focus C. rely D. call [简答题]《行规》规定确认轨道电路分路不良区段空闲的办法?
[单选题]城市轨道交通车辆车轴和车轮之间采用( )配合。
A.过盈 B.过渡 C.间隙 D.都可以 [单选题] 单选题根据《建设工程条例》规定,公路施工企业对达到一定规模的危险性较大的分部分项工程应编制专项施工方案,经施工单位技术负责人和( )签字后才能实施。
A.设计代表 B.业主代表 C.总监理工程师 D.项目经理 [单选题](87167)电气化铁路施工设备过轨技术检查时,检查滑动轴承车轮踏面剥离长度一处不大于( )mm。(1.0 分)
A.40 B.50 C.60 D.70 [判断题]轨道电路区段,养路工机具、轨道检查仪、道尺等,均必须有与轨道电路的绝缘装置。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]符合子宫平滑肌瘤的描述是( )。
A.容易恶变为平滑肌肉瘤 B.绝经后平滑肌瘤可逐渐萎缩 C.少有核分裂象 D.常有肌层及血管浸润 [单选题]《安全生产违法行为行政处罚办法(2015修正)》,生产经营单位提出复查申请或者整改、治理限期届满的,安全监管监察部门应当自申请或者限期届满之日起( )内进行复查,填写复查意见书,由被复查单位和安全监管监察部门复查人员签名后存档。逾期未整改、未治理或者整改、治理不合格的,安全监管监察部门应当依法给予行政处罚。
A.5日 B.10日 C.15日 D.30日 [简答题]假设某银行吸收存款800万元,按规定要留100万元作为准备金,请计算通过银行创造货币的机制能创造出多少货币?
A. 现金清收 B. 诉讼清收 C. 债务重组 D. 以物抵债 [单选题]建设工程合同包括( )。
A.①②③④⑤ B.①②③④ C.①②③ D.①②④ 我来回答: 提交