Plato asked "What is man" and St
Augustine asked "Who am I" A new breed of criminals has a novel answer: "I am
you!" Although impostors have existed for ages, the growing frequency and cost
of identity theft is worrisome. Around 10m Americans are victims annually, and
it is the leading consumer-fraud complaint over the past five years. The
cost to businesses was almost $ 50 billion, and to consumers $ 5 billion, in
2002, the most recent year that America’s Federal Trade Commission collected
figures. After two recent, big privacy disasters, people and politicians are calling for action. In February, ChoicePoint, a large data-collection agency, began sending out letters warning 145,000 Americans that it had wrongly provided fraudsters with their personal details, including Social Security numbers. Around 750 people have already spott A. identity theft is even more serious in Europe than in America. B. American policymakers might learn from the laws in Europe. C. American policymakers are more concerned with individual interests. D. the cost of identity theft is usually covered by companies in the US. [多选题]SF6气体压力表的一般技术要求包括(____)。
A.压力表各部件应装配牢固,不得有影响计量性能的锈蚀、裂纹、孔洞等缺陷 B.压力表的表盘分度数字及符号应完整、清晰 C.压力表有封印装置,在不损坏封印的情况下,应不能触及内部机件 D.不带温度补偿的SF6气体压力表应给出SF6气体压力—温度曲线,以便进行压力修正 [判断题]钨极氩弧焊焊接铝合金时,“阴极破碎作用”只有在直流反极性焊接时才会发生。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]根据《国家电网公司220/380V配电网工程典型设计》,380V钢管杆一般用在城区或拉线安装困难的380V架空线路,杆长选用8m及10m两种型式,分别与8m、10m混凝土电杆构成一使用系列。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]教学过程的基本要素有教师、学生、教材和教育技术。
[判断题]自2003年9月1日起施行《人民币银行结算账户管理办法》〔2003〕5号中,因收入汇缴资金和业务支出资金开立的专用存款账户,应使用隶属单位的名称。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]心脾两虚
A. 皮质结构破坏 B. 下丘脑结构破坏 C. 大脑网状结构破坏 D. 上行激动系统结构破坏 E. 脑组织功能和代谢障碍 [多项选择]移动平均线的特点有( )。
A. 追踪趋势 B. 超前性 C. 波动性 D. 助涨助跌性 [单项选择]For the executive producer of a network nightly news program, the workday often begins at midnight—as mine did during seven years with ABC’s evening newscast①. The first order of business was a call to the assignment desk for a pre-bedtime rundown of latest developments.
The assignment desk operates 24 hours a day, staffed by editors who move crews, correspondents and equipment to the scene of events. Assignment-desk editors are logistics experts; they have to know plane schedules, satellite availability, and whom to get in touch with at local stations and oversea broadcasting systems. They are required to assess stories as they break on the wire services sometimes even before they do—and to decide how much effort to make to cover those stories. When the United States was going to appeal to arms against Iraq, the number of correspondents and crews was constantly evaluated. Based on reports from the field and also upon the skilled judgments of desk editors in New Yo A. more vivid pictures and details are provided B. changing the style to cater for the audience’s appetite C. more live coverage to replace the linguistic explanation D. interval shifts of the materials of the coverage [单选题]关于线性存储以图种说法是错误的?
A.用户数据可以在卷中任意位置 B.存储系统可以确认卷空间使用率并可以进行回收 C.處拟磁盘可以配置RAIDO.1.5,6,10, 50 D.卷从虚拟嫩盘中完全配置 [填空题]The shorter growing seasons expected with climate change over the next 40 years will endanger hundreds of millions of already poor people in the global tropics, say researchers working__62__ the world’s leading agricultural organizations.
The effects of climate change are likely to be seen across the entire tropical__63__but many areas previously considered to be__64__food secure are likely to become highly__65__droughts, extreme weather and higher temperatures, say the__66__with the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research.
Intensively farmed areas __67__northeast Brazil and Mexico are likely to see their__68__growing seasons fall below 120 days, which is__69__for crops such as corn to mature. Many other places in Latin America are likely to __70__temperatures that are too hot for bean__71__a staple in the region.
The impact could be__72__most in India and southeast Asia. More than 300 million people in south Asia are likely to be affected even with a 5% decrease i
A. A.agony B.toll C.weight D.plague [单项选择]建设工程项目管理者应建立以人为本的全新理念。这里的“人”,指管理人员、作业人员、项目管理组织和()。
A. 建设单位 B. 设计单位 C. 监理单位 D. 项目管理的相关组织 [单项选择]急性下壁心肌梗塞,Ⅱ度一型房室传导阻滞,心率56次/分,血压130/80mmHg,首选治疗是()
A. 起搏器植入 B. 异丙基肾上腺素 C. 直流电转复心律 D. 药物控制心室率 E. 临床观察心律变化 [多选题]计算机病毒的特点有 。
A.传播性 B.潜伏性 C.破坏性 D.安全性 [单选题]1.18. 第18题
电网中的输电、变电和配电系统,是将电源生产的电能,可靠地、高效地送到负荷中心或地区,并分配给电力用户使用。 A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 国家建立政府宏观调控、市场公平竞争、单位自主用人、人力资源服务机构诚信服务的人力资源流动配置机制,促进人力资源自由有序流动。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 水淹井复产,大产水量气井助喷及气藏强排水,最大排水量400m3/d,最大举升高度3500m,这种气井采用( )工艺为佳。
A.泡沫排水采气 B.气举排水采气 C.活塞气举排水采气 D.电潜泵排水采气 [单选题] 体温骤降时,患者最易出现()
A.虚脱 B.头痛 C.谵妄 D.昏迷 E.寒战 [简答题]花卉按生长习性及形态可分成几类?
[单选题]有关车站道岔编号的说法正确的是( )。
A.道岔编号,从列车到达方向起顺序编号,上行为单号,下行为双号 B.一个车站的道岔可以有相同的编号 C.正线向线路终点方向顺序编号 D.车站划分车场时,每个车场的道岔单独编号 [判断题]《行规》第73条规定:按LKJ 方式运行的列车司机凭列车调度员发布的“双线改单线行车”调度命令在反方向行车的起止站停车,调用LKJ 反方向行车数据时,遇机车无LKJ反向数据时,按集团公司相关规定办理。(修改后新增)
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交