Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following
passage. The main idea of these business-school academics is appealing. In a word where companies must adapt to new technologies and source of competition, it is much harder than it used to be to offer good employees job security and an opportunity to climb the corporate ladder. Yet it is also more necessary than ever for employees to invest in better skills and sparkle with bright ideas. How can firms get the most out of people if they can no longer offer them protection and promotion Many bosses would love to have an answer. Sumantrra Ghoshal of the London Business School and Christopher Bartlett of the Harvard Business School think they have one: "Employability." If managers offer the right of training and guidance, and change their attitude towards their underlings, they wi A. changes in business organizations B. contracts between employers and employees C. employment situation D. management ideas [单项选择]改善呼吸功能的措施不包括
A. 加强气道管理 B. 给氧 C. 应用呼吸兴奋剂 D. 机械通气 E. 使用利尿剂 [单项选择]一个体重为60Kg的人,其血量约为
A. 4000mL B. 5000mL C. 6000mL D. 7000mL E. 8000mL [单项选择]中国特色社会主义理论体系的最新理论成果是
A. 邓小平理论 B. 毛泽东思想 C. “三个代表”重要思想 D. 科学发展观 [单选题]作为供碘原料以合成甲状腺素的是
A.丙硫氧嘧啶 B.放射性碘 C.糖皮质激素 D.甲状腺素 E.小剂量碘 [判断题]施工作业需接触网停、送电及拆挂地线时,须在计划中注明;如未在施工计划中明确提出接触网停、送电要求,一律视为可在接触网带电状态下作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]现场防护员应根据()等情况确定站位和移动路径,并做好自身防护。
A.施工作业现场地形条件 B.列车运行特点 C.施工人员 D.机具布置 [简答题]教师指导毕业设计与毕业论文的原则主要包括( )、( )、因材施教原则。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]县级以上地方人民政府应当深化投资审批制度改革,根据项目性质、投资规模等分类规范投资审批程序,精简审批要件,简化技术审查事项,强化项目决策与用地、规划等建设条件落实的协同,实行( )。
A.与相关审批在线分别办理 B.与相关审批在线集中办理 C.与相关审批在线并联办理 D.与相关审批在线一共办理 [单选题]接触网作业车离合器分离轴承座三凸耳不在同一平面上时,会造成离合器( )。
A.打滑 B.起步发抖 C.分离不彻底 D.发响 [判断题]运营动车组改为路用动车组时,须报铁路总公司批准。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]托运国家禁止或限制运输的物品应提供主管部门的( )。
A.运输证明 B.检疫证明 C.免检证明 D.铁路运输证明 我来回答: 提交