In 1879, Richard Henry Pratt founded the Carlisle Indian School, a remarkable 40-year chapter in this country’s failed social policy regarding Native Americans. Pratt’s faith could be simply described as: "Kill the Indian, Save the Man!" to eradicate any manifestations of their native culture. When four decades of forcible education ended in 1918, it wasn’t clear what Pratt’s experiment had killed and what it had saved. But there was one indisputably notable legacy-- the Carlisle football team. In the early 20th century, the Carlisle Indians ascended to the pinnacle(顶点) of the collegiate game. In those years, it began to engage all the Ivy football powers on the gridiron(运动场). And from 1911 to 1913, including the season in which the legendary Jim Thorpe returned from the Olympics to score 25 touchdowns, Carlisle had a 38-3 record, including a 27-6 rout of West Point.
Washington Post sportswriter Sally Jenkins has produced a fascinating ne
A. helped it to win the champion of 1912.
B. was recognized by the American people.
C. made up for its strong physical force.
D. was useless in the 1912 match against Army.
Industry should get rid of half its
bosses, says behavioral psychologist Alfred J. Marrow." Adults are quite capable
of handling their lives outside their homes, at their jobs," Marrow said in an
interview. They need fewer supervisors and managers, not more. As president of the American Board of Professional Psychology, he’s heard the complaint from working people over and over again: too many bosses. If a shirt manufacturer’s customers are returning merchandise because the collars are crooked, he said, the people who make the shirts are more likely than management to identify the problem quickly if they get together to talk about it. But if the boss comes on as an adversary, bawling them out for bad work and threatening to or actually firing some, the remaining workers will probably react A. the salesmen B. the supervisors C. top management D. the people who make the shirts [单选题]汇业达电源使用0-4V电流输出的传感器时,则设置值 = 量程 *()。
A.1.23 B.1.24 C.1.25 D.1.26 [单选题] 根据有关法律规定, 下列有关我国人大代表选举的论述, 正确的是
A.省人大代表是直接选举产生 B.设区的市的人大代表由选民直接选举 C.不设区 的市的人大代表由选民直接选举 D.乡镇人大代表是县级人大委任产生 [单选题]接触网作业车包检是指司机出乘前、运行中、入库后按规定检查()状态,做好记录,及时处理并上报问题。〈《铁路劳动安全丛书》〉
A.车辆 B.控制技术 C.车辆技术 D.作业车 [判断题]单位应于从业人员订立协议,免除或减轻其对从业人员因生产安全事故伤亡承担的责任。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于各类桩型的最小直径,说法错误的是()。
A.灌注桩直径不宜小于120mm B.预制混凝土方桩边长不宜小于200mm C.预应力混凝土管桩直径不宜小于300mm D.螺旋桩桩杆直径不宜小于76mm 我来回答: 提交