Interpersonal communication is your
interaction with others. Talking to a friend on campus, chatting to a(n)
{{U}} (67) {{/U}}friend on campus, chatting on the phone with a classmate
about a(n) {{U}} (68) {{/U}} test, arguing the {{U}} (69) {{/U}}
of a movie with friends, discussing strategies for accomplishing tasks at work,
{{U}} (70) {{/U}} for a job, and planning the future {{U}} (71)
{{/U}} a loved one are all forms of interpersonal communication. Effective interpersonal communication 72 our sensitivity to others and to the situation. One goal of effective interpersonal communication is to maintain relationships, and forming {{U}} (73) {{/U}} messages that accurately convey oar ideas and feelings {{U}} (74) {{/U}} not offending the other person is key {{U}} (75) {{/U}} our success. Effective interpersonal communication {{ A. familiar B. informal C. intimate D. near 热门试题: [多项选择]《劳动法》的基本原则是
A. 维护劳动者合法权益与兼顾用人单位利益相结合的原则 B. 按劳分配与公平救助相结合的原则 C. 劳动者平等竞争与特殊劳动保护相结合的原则 D. 分类管理和效能原则 [单项选择]对症施药必须是针对防治对象和()。
A. 选择最适合的农药 B. 选择最合适的时机施药 C. 选择毒性最大的农药 D. 选择最好的天气施药 [单选题]房源的物理属性决定了房源的使用价值,也在一定程度上决定了房源的( )。
A.理论价格 B.市场价格 C.成本价格 D.心理价格 [单项选择]标准预防的描述不正确的是()
A. 预防措施是面向所有的病人 B. 不关心其诊断是否是传染性疾病,均实施以预防为主的标准预防 C. 标准预防把血液、体液、分泌物、排泄物均当成具有传染性进行隔离预防 D. 目的是降低医务人员、病人、病人与病人间微生物传播的危险性 E. 是仅基于传播途径的预防 [单选题]数据采集失败是指( )的数据信息的现象A.采集系统主站无法成功获取采集终端
A.A B.B C.C D.D [单项选择]