A. 颈部慢性淋巴结炎
B. 右锁骨上淋巴结转移癌
C. 颈部恶性淋巴瘤
D. 左锁骨上淋巴结转移癌
E. 腮腺混合瘤
A. 0.1
B. 0.2
C. 0.5
D. 1.0
The Forbidden Apple
New York used to be the city that never sleeps.Theses days it's the city that never smokes,drinks or
does anything naughty(at least,not in public).The Big Apple is quickly turning into the Forbidden Apple.
If you wanted a glass of wine with your picnic in Central Park,could you have one?No chance.Drinking
alcohol in public isn't allowed. If you decided to feed the birds with the last crumbs(碎屑)of your sandwich,
you could be arrested.It's illegal.If you went to a bar for a drink and a cigarette,that would be OK,wouldn't
it?Er…no.You can't smoke in public in New York City.
What's going on?Why is the city that used to be so open-minded becoming like this?The mayor of New
York is behind it all.He has brought in a whole lot of new laws to stop citizens from doing what they want,
when they want.
The press are shocked.Even the New York police have joined the argument.They recently spent
$100,000 on a"Don't blame the cop"campaign.One New York police officer said,"We raise money for
the city by giving people fines for breaking some very stupid laws.It's all about money."
The result is a lot of fines for minor offences.Yoav Kashida,an Israeli tourist,fell asleep on the subway.
When he woke up,two police officers fined him because he had fallen asleep on two seats(you mustn't use
two seats in the subway).Elle and Serge Schroitman were fined for blocking a driveway with their car. It was
their own driveway.
The angry editor of Vanity Fair magazine,Graydon Carter,says,"Under New York City law it is accept-
able to keep a gun in your place of work,but not an empty ashtray."He should know.The police came to his
office and took away his ashtray(烟灰缸).
But not all of the New York's inhabitants are complaining. Marcia Dugarry,72,said,"The city has
changed for the better. If more cities had these laws,America would be a better place to live."Nixon Patotkis,
38,a barman,said,"I like the new laws.If people smoked in here,we'd go home smelling of cigarettes."
Recent figures show that New York now has fewer crimes per 100,000 people than 193 other US cities.
And it's true一it's safer,cleaner and more healthy than before.But let's be honest一who goes to New York for
its clean streets?
It is now illegal to smoke or drink alcohol anywhere in New York.
C.Not mentioned
[判断题]天车的吊具要定期对其做探伤( )。
A. 铝镁合金
B. 硬铝合金
C. 铝硅合金
D. 铝锰合金
E. 锻铝合金
F. 超硬铝合金
[简答题]The Difference Engine: Beyond
A The old-media world of
newspapers, magazines, radio stations and television networks has a daunting
task ahead of it. New-media upstarts like Internet TV, social networking,
mash-ups, web stores and online gaming—with their ability to stream content
direct to smart phones, tablets, e-readers, laptops and game consoles—have begun
to eat the green-eyeshade brigade’s breakfast, lunch and tea. At last week’s
Digital Hollywood meeting in Santa Monica, California, the question on a lot of
people’s lips was how to fight back.
B A recurring theme
was ’beyond content’. By that, the gathering of film, broadcasting and
entertainment executives meant how to turn the current threat to their
livelihoods into a solution for at least survival, if not runaway success. All
agreed that, apart from getting their content online in the best shape possible,
they needed to move much further downstream in marketing terms. In short, they
should start offering services—beyond content—that add to their audience’s
experience and satisfaction.
C The problem is rapidly
becoming too big to ignore. In a recent survey of some 10,000 consumers, IBM
found that the use of mobile music and video increased five-fold between 2007
and 2009, while readership of online newspapers more than tripled. Over half the
respondents used social-networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. Two out of
five regularly read newspapers online rather than in print. ’In terms of digital
content consumption,’ the researchers concluded, ’consumers have clearly moved
beyond the trial stage.’
D It is not just gadget freaks
and early adopters who are making this happen. Sure, the young and the
technically nimble were among the first to abandon print and airwaves for online
content capable of being accessed anywhere, anytime. But the middle-aged have
now also joined the fray. Indeed, Facebook recently had to pull the plug on
chatting housewives because they were hogging large chunks of the social
network’s bandwidth for hours on end. Even 55-year-olds and up—long the bulwark
of print and broadcast media—are nowadays getting much of their news, gossip and
amusement online.
E This migration from old to new media
is causing the industry to fragment, as publishers, record companies, film
studios, television networks and other content creators butt heads with device
makers such as Apple and Sony as well as online distributors and content
aggregators like Amazon, Google, Yahoo! and YouTube. In the process, established
ways of doing business are being overturned, calling into question how
traditional content—whether print, graphics, audio or video—is produced and
F The change is actually twofold, and much of
the problem has stemmed from a failure to understand this. For one, not only is
content going digital but, in the process, it is also becoming connected. This
change from linear type and airwaves to interactive bits and bytes has caused
the balance of power to shift to those who aggregate and distribute digital
content online. Take the way consumers are swapping from printed books,
magazines and newspapers to digital versions that can be downloaded to
e-readers, tablets, laptops or even smart phones. It is not only bookshops and
newsstands that lose from this process. Publishers, too, are suffering as
advertisers abandon printed pages and television slots for the online
G It is not as though publishers can make up the
difference by taking their wares online. A reader of a printed publication
typically brings in 18 times the value of an online reader. In part, that is
because newspapers and magazines are experts at selling their demographics to
advertisers, while websites serving up information and entertainment rely more
on generic services like Google’s advertising network. Also, there are simply
far more outlets on the web than on newsstands for advertisers to choose
H Television is not much better off. The difference
in value between a broadcast viewer and an online equivalent is around three to
one. But that discrepancy is expected to widen as traditional television sets
are replaced with TVs that can download video direct from the Internet, and more
entertainment websites spring up to cater for this burgeoning ’over-the-top’
demand. Already viewers have started cancelling their $70 cable or satellite
subscriptions, and downloading their favourite television shows from online
sites like Hulu or YouTube for nothing or, at most, a small pay-as-you- go fee.
Likewise, sales of DVDs are being clobbered, as Netflix and others allow
customers to stream unlimited movies direct to their television sets for $9 a
I The same disintermediation has long been
happening to music, as consumers download single tracks direct from iTunes,
Apple’s online store, for 99 cents a pop, rather than buy whole CD albums from
record shops for $10 or more. In the process, Apple has flipped the
’razor-and-blades’ model of doing business on its head. Instead of subsidising
the cost of media players like the iPod and iPad (the razor in the metaphor) and
making tons of money out of downloads from iTunes (the blades), it has done the
reverse. Thus, the device makers are joining online aggregators and distributors
to capture an increasing share of the disposable income consumers spend on
information and entertainment—all at old media’s expense.
J The second change, in the way marketers are connected to consumers, is
more subtle. New media make life easier, richer and more satisfying for the
consumer. To do so, they exploit far more of the marketing opportunities that
exist between the content and the consumer. Old-media companies have
traditionally left that to others, pleased to collect just advertising and
subscription revenues. Now they must learn to do the same.
K Easier means things like having a single subscription to a publication
or pay TV channel that applies across a variety of platforms—from television
sets and computers to tablets, e-readers and mobile phones. To make life easier
still, each platform needs the same interface, the same set of navigational
tools and the same quality of experience. Television sets—with remote
controllers capable of moving on-screen cursors only up, down and across, and
then just one step at a time—are leagues behind the swiping gestures pioneered
by the iPhone. New-media innovators are bent on making the television set as
easy to navigate as an iPad. Old-media laggards will need to do the
—EconomistParagraph B
A. 发育营养
B. 年龄
C. 肝大
D. 表情
E. 体位及步态
[单项选择]页式虚拟存储管理的主要特点是( )。
A. 不要求将作业装入到主存的连续区域
B. 不要求将作业同时全部装入到主存的连续区域
C. 不要求进行缺页中断处理
D. 不要求进行页面置换
[单选题]震荡的临床表现不包括( )
[判断题]当钢坯内部存在裂纹、疏松、缩孔等原始缺陷,在轧制过程中,由于变形条件不合适,内部缺陷不能完全焊合,产生分层。( )
A. 国家工程建设消防技术标准没有规定的
B. 消防设计文件拟采用的新技术、新工艺、新材料可能影响建设工程消防安全,不符合国家标准规定的
C. 因建筑周边环境受限,防火间距、消防车道等不符合现行国家工程建设消防技术标准的
D. 拟采用国际标准或者境外消防技术标准的
[判断题] 《职业病目录》是卫生行政部门发布的。
A. 《广陵散》
B. 《邢老汉和狗的故事》
C. 《将军族》
D. 《陈奂生上城》
A. 通信规模
B. 通信运行
C. 通信服务能力
D. 通信管理
[判断题]母线保护应具有可靠的 CT 饱和判别功能,区外故障 CT 饱和时不应误动
[单项选择]The government is to ban payments to witnesses by newspapers seeking to buy up people involved in prominent eases (31) the trial of Rosemary West.
In a significant (32) of legal controls over the press, Lord Irvine, the Lord Chancellor, will introduce a (33) bill that will propose making payments to witnesses (34) and will strictly control the amount of (35) that can be given to a case (36) a trial begins.
In a letter to Gerald Kaufman, chairman of the House of Commons Media Select Committee, Lord Irvine said he (37) a committee report this year which said that self regulation did not (38) sufficient control.
(39) of the letter came two days after Lord Irvine (40) a storm of media protest when he said the (41) of privacy controls contained in European legislation would be left to judges (42) to Parliament.
The Lord Chancellor said (43) of the
A. remarked
B. said
C. told
D. stated
A. 向心性肥胖
B. 多血质
C. 皮肤紫纹
D. 性功能障碍
E. 情绪不稳定
[单选题]任何人发现有违反本规程的情况,应( ),经纠正后才能恢复作业。
[判断题]邻近供电、通信、信号电(光)缆沟槽及供电支柱、通信信号杆塔(箱盒、通话柱)10 m范围内的挖沟、取土、路基碾压等施工属于邻近营业线C类施工。
A. 竞技运动和体育教育
B. 竞技运动、体育教育、身体锻炼和身体娱乐
C. 身体锻炼和身体娱乐
A. 脑
B. 肝
C. 肺
D. 肾
E. 腹腔
[单选题]3.1138. 第1138题线路施工现场安全管理;装、拆拉线工作主要危险点( )。
[单选题]在选择控制阀的气开和气关型式时,应首先从( )考虑。
[单选题]102,132,192,312, ( ) ,1032
A. 脾、良性肿瘤
B. 充血性脾肿大
C. 巨大脾囊肿
D. 脾萎缩
E. 脾内瘤
A. 内部评级结果确定后,应及时对客户和债项风险状况的变化情况进行跟踪,并适时对内部评级结果进行更新
B. 按照实现方式的不同,客户(业务)评级更新分为系统批处理更新、系统自动触发更新和人工更新
C. 保证人客户评级更新采用人工更新方式
D. 当满足风险预警条件时,系统将自动触发评级更新
A. 40000
B. 20000
C. 25000
D. 50000
[简答题]夜间作业时穿戴的无 ( )标志防护服,是安全隐患。