地区 | 去年案例数 | 上升比率 | 上升案例数 |
A地区 | 1400 | 2.0% | |
B地区 | 2200 | 0.8% | |
C地区 | 5010 | 1.5% | |
D地区 | 2400 | 3.5% |
If you want to see what it takes to set
up an entirely new financial center (and what is best avoided), head for Dubai.
This flay, sun-baked patch of sand in the midst of a war-tom and isolated region
started with few advantages other than a long tradition as a hub for Middle
Eastern trade mutes. But over the past few years Dubai has built a new financial center from nothing. Dozens of the world’s leading financial institutions have opened offices in its new financial district, hoping to grab a portion of the $2 trillion-plus investment from the Gulf. Some say there is more hype than business, A. It is building a cluster of its own economic zones. B. It is trying to decrease the number of "suitcase bankers". C. It is very strict about granting local business licenses. D. It can’t attract the bulk of the region’s money to flow in. [判断题]重整医嘱应按原来的日期顺序书写未停止的医嘱,在两条红线内用红笔写明重整日期、时间即可。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]教材开发的基本方法主要有:()。
A. 培训者自编自制教材 B. 集体合编 C. 补充或充实现有教材 D. 借用现有素材 E. 选用其他相关教材 [单项选择]经一步反应可生成CTP的是()
A. 乙酰辅酶A B. 丙酮酸 C. 草酰乙酸 D. 琥珀酰辅酶A E. E.α乙酰辅酶 [单项选择]随机找一组消费者,免费为其提供两种啤酒,根据消费者自己选择应用,然后计算每种酒的消费量。这种方法称为()调查测试。
A. 可饮性 B. 饮后感 C. 偏爱性 D. 广泛性 [填空题]Historians are detectives searching out the evidence of the past in their pursuit of history. This is a challenging and frequently engaging quest 1 its own, but evidence must be turned to 2 . Primary sources that are uncovered 3 many forms that vary 4 the questions asked and the period studied, but written records are 5 historians use more than any other. The historian does not 6 evidence in the manner of courts of law, where questions of admissibility and truth versus falsehood are 7 . The historian’’s use of evidence is much more 8 Determining how and with what end 9 mind any piece of evidence came into existence are the first tasks 10 the historian in the internal criticism of historical sources. It is important to know, for instance, who 11 a particular census and with what instructions, or 12 a correspondent was addressing a friend or foe, colleague or opponent.
For many years historians divided evidence into the two 13 of primary and secondary sources. The former were conside
A. A.fascination B. contradiction C.imperfection D.implication [单选题]《中国南方电网公司安全生产风险管理体系(2017版)》第3.1.4条规定:风险控制措施的制定规定企业应遵循下列顺序选择风险控制方法:( )
A.消除/终止、转移、替代、工程、隔离、行政管理、个人防护 B.消除/终止、替代、转移、工程、隔离、行政管理、个人防护 C.消除/终止、替代、工程、转移、隔离、行政管理、个人防护 D.消除/终止、替代、转移、隔离、工程、行政管理、个人防护 [单选题]任何人员()在悬挂的货物下工作、站立、行走,()随同货物或起重机械升降。
A.可以、可以 B.不可、可以 C.不得、不得 D.可以、不得 [单选题]季节换装时,应当组织( )检查。
A.队容风纪 B.仪容仪表 C.个人卫生 D.发型服饰 [多项选择]下列各项中,属于会计政策的有( )。
A. 会计计量方法 B. 固定资产折旧方法 C. 借款费用的处理方法 D. 企业合并会计处理方法 [判断题]可控硅,是可控整流元件的简称,是一种具有三个PN结的四层结构的大功率半导体器件,亦称为晶闸管;其导通条件是阳极对阴极为正电压和控制极对阴极加能量足够的正向脉冲两个条件,必须同时具备。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]大青叶、青黛的共同功效是()
A. 清热解毒,燥湿 B. 清热解毒,凉血 C. 清热解毒,利水消肿 D. 清热解毒,利湿 E. 清热解毒,活血止痛 [单选题]当靠近线端的对地绝缘发生故障时,电压波形将在极短的时间内(____)。
A.增大 B.跌落 C.中断 D.不变 [多选题]辛亥革命爆发的历史条件是( )
A.民族危机加深,社会矛盾激化 B.清末“新政”及其破产 C.资产阶级革命派的发展壮大 D.护国运动的爆发 [判断题]因降雨、内涝等造成车站进水,严重影响客运服务的。行车调度人员可根据车站申请发布封站命令,组织列车越站。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]在下列施工机械工作时间中,不应计入定额时间,或不能作为计算定额基础的时间有( )时间。
A. 不可避免的中断 B. 不可避免的无负荷工作 C. 低负荷下的工作 D. 工人休息 E. 施工本身造成的停工 [单选题]保证合同没有约定保证范围或者约定不明确的,保证人如何承担责任?以下表述中正确的是( )
A.推定为保证人不承担责任 B.推定为保证人对部分债务承担保证责任 C.推定为保证人对全部主债务承担保证责任 D.推定为对债务的一半承担保证责任 [单选题]医疗机构药品管理的基本原则不包括
A.按需购药 B.加速周转 C.按价选购 D.择优选购 E.减少库存 [单选题]萃取剂的选择性()。
A.是液液萃取分离能力的表征 B.是液固萃取分离能力的表征 C.是吸收过程分离能力的表征 D.是吸附过程分离能力的表征 [单项选择]狗的眼睛变化,也是心情的变化。当受压于人或自己有了过失时,狗会:()
A. 瞳孔张开 B. 转移视线,低头翻眼珠 C. 目光闪烁不定 D. 目光晶亮 [填空题]
Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written. Voluntary learning in organized courses by mature men and
women is called adult education. Such education is {{U}} (36) {{/U}} to
make people able to enlarge and {{U}} (37) {{/U}} their experience as
adults. Adults may want to study something which they {{U}} (38) {{/U}}
in earlier schooling, get new skill
A. 一般 B. 严重 C. 危急 D. 紧急 [单选题]线路虽己断开电源,但对未做好安全措施挂上接地线的设备应视作()。
A.停电设备 B.有电设备 C.无电设备 [单选题]党的基层委员会每届任期( )。
A.一年到两年 B.两年至三年 C.三年至四年 D.三年至五年 [多选题]犯罪嫌疑人不具备自首情节,但是能够如实供述自己罪行的,可成立坦白,坦白的法律效果有()。
A.可以从轻处罚 B.应当从轻处罚 C.可以减轻处罚 D.可以免除处罚 [填空题]冷冲模模架是由()、()、()、()组成。
[判断题]抵押权存续期间,抵押物被他人申请采取查封、扣押等财产保全或者执行措施的,农商银行可依法,不必立即向采取前述措施的执法机关主张抵押权。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 入侵检测系统(IDS)可分为以下两类:基于主机的入侵检测系统和基于网络的入侵检测系统。()
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]事故处理时,各事故单位的领导无权对本单位值班人员发布指示
[单项选择]His career has been an active one: ______
A. writing thrilling novels, editing for TV station and lecture in the State University B. write thrilling novels, editing for TV station and lecturing in the State University C. thrilling novel writer, editing for TV station and lecturing in the State University D. writing thrilling novels, editing for TV station and lecturing in the State University [多选题].甲向乙发出要约邀请,乙对要约的哪些内容作出变更,视为新的要约()。
A. 合同标的 B. 合同数量、质量 C. 合同履行期限、履行地点 D. 合同违约责任 [单项选择]将国家权力划分为立法权、行政权和对外联盟权的启蒙思想家是()。
A. 孟德斯鸠 B. 洛克 C. 卢梭 D. 霍布斯 [单项选择]丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)活力与肝细胞受损程度的关系是()
A. 呈正相关 B. 呈负相关 C. 不呈比例 D. 关联性不大 E. 无关联性 [单选题]城市轨道交通运营单位应制定安全生产制度,使安全生产工作( )。
A.专业化、规范化、标准化 B.制度化、规范化、标准化 C.规范、统一性、标准 D.专业、标准、统一 [多选题]危险化学品入侵人体途径是从()
A.眼睛 B.皮肤 C.呼吸吸入 D.骨骼 我来回答: 提交