The Japanese government wants women like Taeko Mizuguchi to get married and start doing something about the nation’s plunging birthrate. But she’s not interested. At least, not if her prospective husband is Japanese.
A growing number of Japanese women are giving up on their male counterparts, and taking a gamble that looking abroad for love will bring them the qualities in a partner that seem rare at home. "They treat you like equals, and they don’t hesitate to express mutual feelings of respect -- I think Western men are more adept at such things than Japanese men," says the 36-year-old Ms. Miznguchi, who works at a top trading firm. "They don’t act like women are maids -- I think they view women as individuals."
Underscoring that Japanese women are losing hope with the local boys, dating agencies to help snag a Western husband have sprung up in Tokyo, some with branches in the US and Europe. Such companies rigorously v
A. more conveniences are provided for females.
B. females have little chance for promotion.
C. women work in poor office conditions.
D. women are always the victims of recession.
根据国家统计局对全国19500家各种类型企业的调查显示:2007年一季度,全国企业家信心指数为142.0,创下近年最高水平,并首次攀至140.0以上的景气高位。有48.4%的企业家对所在行业总体运行状况持乐观的态度,45.1%的企业家认为变化不大,表明企业家对经济发展前景有着良好稳定的信心。 各行业企业家对宏观经济发展信心继续增强。2007年一季度,制造业、建筑业、交通运输仓储和邮政业、批发和零售业、房地产业、社会服务业、信息传输计算机服务和软件业企业家信心指数分别为141.5、139.6、137.2、143.4、137.3、135.0和157.9,比上季度上升8.4、8.4、7.4、7.3、 4.0、4.4和1.7点;采矿业、电力燃气及水的生产和供应业企业家信心指数分别为161.1和140.7,与上季度基本持平,其中采矿业仍居各行业之首;住宿和餐饮业企业家信心指数为131.7,比上季度回落2.9点。与上年同期相比,各行业企业家信心指数均有不同程度的提升,其中制造业增幅最大,上升13.3点。 不同规模企业的企业家信心继续保持稳中有升。2007年一季度,大、中、小型企业的企业家信心指数分别为158.4、133.0和124.0,创下近年新高,比上季度上升7.7、5.5和4.9点;与上年同期相比均有所提升。 |
(146) {{/U}}人们的抑郁情绪,并因此{{U}} (147)
{{/U}}了光照疗法:亮光正面照30分钟以上可明显{{U}} (148)
{{/U}}人的情绪。眼是人主要的感觉器官,明亮光线通过刺激视觉能振奋精神,消除抑郁,使人充满信心与希望。可从个人学习、工作的环境入手,改善照明状况。同时还可辅以色彩的搭配,如红色有兴奋和抗抑郁作用,橙色助人乐观等。 写作可帮助人们{{U}} (149) {{/U}}心中的不快,以一种文明的方式调节心理或解决现实中的烦恼。写作还可以养心,坚持写作的人可提高心理素质、心理免疫能力、自身修养,给人一种温文尔雅的好感。有心事而不便向人述说时,即可选择写作的方式。没有烦恼时也应坚持写作,这对心理异常变化可起到预防的作用,但这种写作{{U}} (150) {{/U}}于作家诗人的那种创作。所以一般认为写日记是比较便于操作的。 |