Jan Hendrik Schon’s success seemed too
good to be true, and it was. In only four years as a physicist at Bell
Laboratories, Schon, 32, had co-authored 90 scientific papers — one every 16
days, which astonished his colleagues, and made them suspicious. When one
co-worker noticed that the same table of data appeared in two separate papers —
which also happened to appear in the two most prestigious scientific journals in
the world, Science and Nature — the jig was up. In October 2002, a Bell Labs
investigation found that Schon had falsified and fabricated data. His career as
a scientist was finished. If it sounds a lot like the fall of Hwang Woo Suk — the South Korean researcher who fabricated his evidence about cloning human cells — it is. Scientific scandals, which are as old as science itself, tend to A. Big scientific scandals once in a while. B. Small infractions all the time. C. Unreliable research data in papers. D. Lack of originality in research papers. [判断题]《中国铁路上海局集团有限公司客运作业人身安全实施细则》(上铁客〔2020〕159号)规定,遇客整所、折返站看车时,看车人员必须坚守岗位,不得喝酒、打牌,不得在禁烟区或躺在铺位上吸烟。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]燃烧就是一种同时伴有发光、发热、生成新物质的激烈的强氧化反应。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 带电设备附近测量绝缘电阻,( )应与设备的带电部分保持安全距离。移动引线时,应加强监护,防止人员触电。
A. 测量人员 B. 绝缘电阻表 C. 测量引线 D. 测量人员和绝缘电阻表安放的位置 [单选题]泵的机械密封有主要密封件的( ),辅助密封件的密封圈,压紧件的弹簧、推环,传动件的弹簧座机键或固定螺栓组成。
A.填料 B.动环 C.静环 D.动环和静环 我来回答: 提交