Frank knew he was {{U}} (56)
{{/U}} ill. He spent days walking {{U}} (57) {{/U}} as far as thirty
miles in a day, {{U}} (58) {{/U}}with the pain and strange thoughts in
his mind. Then one night, he made up his {{U}} (59) {{/U}} that he would
go to the hospital and ask them to admit him. He reported to out - patients and
asked to {{U}} (60) {{/U}}a psychiatrist. A junior doctor eventually examined him and {{U}} (61) {{/U}} to Frank’ s confused account of having {{U}} (62) {{/U}} in hospital before, of how he thought he ought to {{U}} (63) {{/U}} again because he was so confused and knew something was very {{U}} (64) {{/U}}with him. The doctor did not admit him. Frank can not {{U}} (65) {{/U}}whether he was told that the hospital was full or that they simply did not believe him. "! felt I was completely alone. I thought these was {{ A. whenever B. where C. that D. why [简答题]被称为“世界客都”的梅州位于我国哪个省?
[多选题]多选题:以下为采用人工闭塞法、区段行车法组织行车时九号线报点站的有( )。
A.怒江公园站 B.北二路站 C.吉力湖街站 D.奥体中心站 [单项选择]兼有解表功用的方剂是()
A. 五苓散 B. 二妙散 C. 猪苓汤 D. 四苓散 E. 藿香正气散 [判断题]县级以上地方政府财政部门管理本行政区域内的会计工作,而国务院财政部门主管全国的会计工作。 ( )
[单选题] 金属材料的性能一般分为( )和使用性能两类(易)
A.金属性能 B.工艺性能 C.综合性能 D.非金属性能 [单项选择]积聚的主要病位在
A. 脾胃 B. 肝脾 C. 脾肾 D. 肝肾 E. 肺肝 [单项选择]男,52岁。5小时前右上腹部挤压伤。查体:中上腹及背部压痛。尿检查正常。X线检查脊柱正常,膈下未见游离气体,腹膜后有少量积气。可能的诊断为()
A. 小肠损伤、穿孔 B. 十二指肠穿孔 C. 胃挫伤 D. 胆道损伤 E. 横结肠损伤、穿孔 [判断题] 金属探测门应调节至适当的灵敏度,但不能低于安全设置要求。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]雨季进行土方与地基基础施工时,土方应集中堆放,并堆置于坑边( )m以外,堆放高度不得过高,不得靠近围墙、临时建筑。
A.3 B.2 C.1 D.0.5 [判断题]基本电费的计算只可按照变压器容量计算。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《中国铁路总公司关于实行“变更到站”服务有关事项的通知》(铁总运电〔2015〕108号)规定,办理“车票改签”时,新车票票价低于原车票的,退还差额,同样对差额部分核收退票费并执行现行退票费标准。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交